::hidden in shadow, with only a trickle of moonbeam for her light...she writes::
Dangle temptation before my starry eyes
offer the sun, offer the moon
then under the cover of darkness
with the speed of the wind
snatch my first petal of spring
oh, Cruelty, what you do to me!
::teardrops stain the page::
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
:: woot! Awesome job folks! Totally on the fly RP between The Coven and The Righteous. fun fun! ::
It was just the faintest whisper in the breeze, a gentle caress on her ear, calling to the empty spaces in her mind, filling them with sweet longing. Bethany stared into the murky waves rolling with the silver moonlight, kissing the gritty sand over and over. She touched her tongue to her tender lips, tasting the salty sea spray upon them. A memory flickered and faded. Sighing softly in her reverie, she turned to find her sister in the distance, making her way back to the Shop. She hurried her step lest she be left behind.
A glance, a second glance. Could it be him that stood to the side of the Voodoo Shop? His body too close to the young girl by the fortune teller machine. No, not him... They stood as lover's stood, his face against her neck. His eyes rose gradually and held steadfast to Bethany's gaze. Her breath caught in her throat, his hypnotic red orbs claimed her.
"Precious..." He whispered one word and lured Bethany to him with his vampire's compulsion, releasing the young girl to flee. Bethany moved towards him in a trance. His lips curled seductively as he opened his arms to invite her in. His eyes glowed, pleased with her obedience. He embraced her soft body against his and lowered his head, finding her willing vein.
"DUCKIEEEE!" a desperate shrill ricocheted off the brick walls and pavement from afar. "DUCKIE GET OUT HERE!" The vampire didn't move, except to grip Bethany tighter, closer, drinking deeper of her lifeblood.
Gloriana stopped dead in her tracks at the top of the shop steps at hearing the urgent cry echoing in the air. Her head whipped around, searching frantically for her sister and saw her in the arms of the vampire. "BETHANY!" She ran to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her with all her strength from the vampire's hold. "NO!"
Ares had come up from the street and saw her sisters in a scuffle in front of the shop and broke into a run. "Leave her alone!" she screamed at the vampire as she pulled at Bethany's other arm, trying to free her from him. Ares' grip slipped and she stumbled backwards. Her fury mounted and she attempted to summon her Storm, but found her reserves empty. Her eyes started to tear in frustration. She reached for Bethany again.
Duckie wrapped Bethany possessively in his arms and looked at the two women over her shoulder with malice in his fiery eyes. "I will have what is mine!"
Gloriana eyes were blazing and she flexed her fingers slightly, a rush of energy flowed into her. She grabbed a slender tendril of the earth's energy and created a small ball and with concentrated will, she lashed it towards the vampire. It didn't faze him, not even a little. His vampire strength and powers were too great.
"DUCKKKIEEEEE!!!" Out of nowhere, Keanna, the sprite Righteous angel cried as she jumped at the vampire, trying to wrench him free from Bethany. "DUCKIE!! I'M RIGHT HERE!" she made every effort to distract him from his prey, "SERAPH!"
Duckie pushed at Keanna with his free arm to shove her away while never letting go of his embrace around Bethany's limp body. She was like a rag doll in his hold. The sprite angel regained her footing and fought to separate them again. The vampire, consumed in his hunger, nuzzled Bethany's neck and bit her again, her warm blood ran down his chin.
Ares yelled at Keanna and Duckie, "Damn you Righteous bastards!"
Delrith, the fierce demon of the Righteous family, growled between pants as he caught up to Keanna. With instinctive wrath, he leaped at Duckie, grabbing his head like he did the day before, trying to force his fangs out of Bethany. Duckie's head was yanked back and he released his bloody fangs from her neck, still struggling to keep a hold of her.
Over what seemed like only seconds, the frenzy of bodies swirled around the vampire and his prey, desperate to break them apart. Gloriana tried to force herself between Bethany and the vampire. Ares shoved and pushed to no avail. Keanna's face was flushed with tears as she pulled again at Duckie's arm, pounding at his side and lower back as hard as she could. She remembered the thing that put him down the last time and threw a wing between Duckie's face and Bethany, trying to make a barrier as she continued to swing with her fists, landing a solid blow on his lower back, catching him in the kidney. Gloriana slammed a knee into the vampire's crotch. Duckie smarted from the dual attack, loosening his grip on his prey, and glared up at the ones who struck him, licking Bethany's blood from his lips. But before he could retaliate, Delrith constricted his arms around his front and with his brute strength, dragged him away from Bethany. Duckie struggled against Delrith, freeing an arm, he reached out for Bethany as he was pulled back, delirious in his demented thirst.
"KEA! Reach in my coat and pull out one of the blood vials!" Delrith shouted to Keanna as he wrestled with all his might to keep Duckie away. "Kea! Grab the vial!" he urged her to move fast, the vampire's strength nearly overcoming his own.
Keanna turned her head to yell at Gloriana and Ares as she rushed to aid Delrith, her angel wings splayed to block the women from Duckie's sight, "GET HER OUT OF HERE!!"
Ares grabbed Bethany's hand, dragging her farther away from Duckie. Bethany tripped backwards, she was still in a trance, barely aware of her surroundings. Gloriana scanned the scene quickly to be sure things were clear and steered her sisters towards the Voodoo Shop. She snapped, "Shop! NOW!"
The Coven sisters pushed passed the shop door, tumbling inside. Gloriana slammed the heavy door closed, cursing aloud as she hurriedly activated the protective wards on the building to prevent all from entering.
Bethany collapsed onto the floor in the front shop, weak from the vampire's feeding. Ares knelt down next to her sister's slack body, lifting her head carefully onto her lap, stroking her hair, frowning at the blood stains on her neck. Worry creased her brow as she whispered between sobs, "Beth! Come on Beth! Please be okay! Please!"
Gloriana, satisfied with the shop being locked down securely, turned her attention to her injured sister, coming to her side. Ares wiped at the tear stains on her cheek and pleaded, "Glori! Help! I don't have the powers to heal her!"
Gloriana inclined her head, and said with urgency, "Let me try." She cast her hands out and over Bethany's still form, centred on her neck. She cradled the wound carefully, and concentrated. She drew the energy flow into Bethany, a soft glow emanated from the wound, healing it completely with just a hint of the tiny scars from the vampire's fangs. Gloriana shook a little from the exertion of that healing. It felt stronger than anything she had ever done before.
Bethany cracked open her eyes, taking in a slow breath as she looked up at her sisters and tried awkwardly to get up. Gloriana and Ares simultaneously pressed her back down, "Whoa! No, you must rest!"
Bethany shrugged off her sisters' hands and sat up, her head spinning as she tried to focus on the trio still outside in front of the shop.
Delrith struggled fiercely trying to keep Duckie in his grasp. "KEA! GRAB IT PLEASE!" He jerked open one side of his coat revealing several vials of dark red blood.
Duckie resisted the fierce demon's restraints, his legs and arms kicking and punching. He glared at Keanna accusingly, his blood red eyes piercing. "You did this!"
Keanna jumped forward, trying to reach Delrith's coat around Duckie's thrashing body for the vials of special blood. "No, I didn't!" Her movements showed her chest to be covered with her own blood from earlier. Duckie's smelled the heady scent of the angel's blood and zeroed in on it, leaning forward to nip at her. She threw her hand up against him to hold him off of her.
Delrith snatched Duckie's head and pulled it back to force his mouth to point upward, readying him for the ingestion of the contents of the vials. The vampire was being extremely difficult in his possessed state. Delrith snarled out darkly and extended his fangs before slamming his jaw into Duckie's shoulder in an attempt to weaken him. Duckie struggled even more, yelling, his words clipped. "Nooo!!! Blood!!...I still thirst!...I am not satisifed!! Release me!"
Keanna couldn't reach the vials through the struggling, frantic for solution she finally barked out at the demon, "Let him go Del!...DO IT DEL!!"
Delrith snarled deeply like a rabid dog, he hesitated for just a second hoping Keanna knew what she was asking him to do. He released his jaws from the vampire's shoulder. "Whatever you're going to do Kea, do it NOW!" He scrambled to grab the blood vials from his coat before Duckie could get away again.
Duckie stumbled from the crushing clamp of the demon's mouth, knocking the sprite angel down onto the pavement. The vampire fell on top of her and Keanna's eyes flashed with sheer terror at that second. She knew she had to distract Duckie until Delrith could get to the blood vials. She screamed at the vampire, "DUCKIE! BITE ME!" Duckie flared and sank his fangs into the angel before him. She cringed and let out a scream, her light flickered, bouncing from vibrant to dim to vibrant to dim. She closed her eyes and began to glow, trying to block everything out, thinking only on the religion that birthed her.
"KEA!" Delrith shouted in alarm as he saw Duckie feed from her. He lunged at the vampire, grabbing his head, trying to force his fangs from the angel's throat. Duckie took one last swallow of the angel's blood and suddenly, as though intoxicated, his body slumped over the angel and he fell unconscious.
Delrith pushed the vampire's heavy body off of Keanna, pinning him down with his own in case he awoke. He bit off the cork of the blood vial and growled, "Let us be done with this!" He tilted Duckie's head up and ran half of the contents into Duckie's throat. The vampire thrashed in his unconscious state as the blood seeped down his throat. Delrith popped another vial and poured it into his mouth. Duckie coughed and sputtered. Delrith grabbed the last blood vial and forced it into the vampire's mouth, making him swallow it. Duckie groaned and clutched his head as he sat up.
Delrith shoved the blood vials back into his coat and cautiously kept a close eye on Duckie as he returned to his normal state. Then his sharp demon eyes fell to the sprite angel laying broken on the ground, her breathing was light and blood flowed from her neck staining her shirt burgundy. He knelt over her, "Oh no! KEA!" He shuddered for a moment, biting his bottom lip in guilt and anguish, as he gingerly held her bloody body,"...what were you thinking you little idiot..."
Duckie raked a hand through his hair and looked up in horror at the demon cradling the blood-covered angel. He moaned as he crawled over, "Oh no....it...happened again..." He reached out to touch the angel, "No! Keanna!...are you okay?"
Delrith rocked Keanna in his arms. "She's fading Duckie."
Duckie stared at the angel with remorse, " No...it cannot be." He shook her shoulders gently but with urgency, "Wake up...you have to be okay!...wake up!"
Delrith glared at Duckie, "She let you bite her to give me enough time to give you the blood!" He lifted her slight angel body effortlessly and snapped. "We have to go to the hospital. Now!"
Duckie gathered his trench coat and used it to apply pressure to the neck wound to try to control the bleeding. He shot Delrith a pained look. "No, the Vet Clinic. It's closer!"
Bethany watched the demon, angel, and vampire rush in the direction of the veterinarian clinic. Her hand came up to her neck and touched the healed wound, her palm cupped and covered it. She tilted her head to look up at her sisters, the expression on her face was of sorrow and sympathy. She whispered hoarsely, "He looked sorry for what had happened. He didn't mean to do it. To bite the angel...to bite me."
Gloriana rested a motherly hand over Bethany's head and watched the figures disappear into the fog, and for that second hoped it was true.
It was just the faintest whisper in the breeze, a gentle caress on her ear, calling to the empty spaces in her mind, filling them with sweet longing. Bethany stared into the murky waves rolling with the silver moonlight, kissing the gritty sand over and over. She touched her tongue to her tender lips, tasting the salty sea spray upon them. A memory flickered and faded. Sighing softly in her reverie, she turned to find her sister in the distance, making her way back to the Shop. She hurried her step lest she be left behind.
A glance, a second glance. Could it be him that stood to the side of the Voodoo Shop? His body too close to the young girl by the fortune teller machine. No, not him... They stood as lover's stood, his face against her neck. His eyes rose gradually and held steadfast to Bethany's gaze. Her breath caught in her throat, his hypnotic red orbs claimed her.
"Precious..." He whispered one word and lured Bethany to him with his vampire's compulsion, releasing the young girl to flee. Bethany moved towards him in a trance. His lips curled seductively as he opened his arms to invite her in. His eyes glowed, pleased with her obedience. He embraced her soft body against his and lowered his head, finding her willing vein.
"DUCKIEEEE!" a desperate shrill ricocheted off the brick walls and pavement from afar. "DUCKIE GET OUT HERE!" The vampire didn't move, except to grip Bethany tighter, closer, drinking deeper of her lifeblood.
Gloriana stopped dead in her tracks at the top of the shop steps at hearing the urgent cry echoing in the air. Her head whipped around, searching frantically for her sister and saw her in the arms of the vampire. "BETHANY!" She ran to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her with all her strength from the vampire's hold. "NO!"
Ares had come up from the street and saw her sisters in a scuffle in front of the shop and broke into a run. "Leave her alone!" she screamed at the vampire as she pulled at Bethany's other arm, trying to free her from him. Ares' grip slipped and she stumbled backwards. Her fury mounted and she attempted to summon her Storm, but found her reserves empty. Her eyes started to tear in frustration. She reached for Bethany again.
Duckie wrapped Bethany possessively in his arms and looked at the two women over her shoulder with malice in his fiery eyes. "I will have what is mine!"
Gloriana eyes were blazing and she flexed her fingers slightly, a rush of energy flowed into her. She grabbed a slender tendril of the earth's energy and created a small ball and with concentrated will, she lashed it towards the vampire. It didn't faze him, not even a little. His vampire strength and powers were too great.
"DUCKKKIEEEEE!!!" Out of nowhere, Keanna, the sprite Righteous angel cried as she jumped at the vampire, trying to wrench him free from Bethany. "DUCKIE!! I'M RIGHT HERE!" she made every effort to distract him from his prey, "SERAPH!"
Duckie pushed at Keanna with his free arm to shove her away while never letting go of his embrace around Bethany's limp body. She was like a rag doll in his hold. The sprite angel regained her footing and fought to separate them again. The vampire, consumed in his hunger, nuzzled Bethany's neck and bit her again, her warm blood ran down his chin.
Ares yelled at Keanna and Duckie, "Damn you Righteous bastards!"
Delrith, the fierce demon of the Righteous family, growled between pants as he caught up to Keanna. With instinctive wrath, he leaped at Duckie, grabbing his head like he did the day before, trying to force his fangs out of Bethany. Duckie's head was yanked back and he released his bloody fangs from her neck, still struggling to keep a hold of her.
Over what seemed like only seconds, the frenzy of bodies swirled around the vampire and his prey, desperate to break them apart. Gloriana tried to force herself between Bethany and the vampire. Ares shoved and pushed to no avail. Keanna's face was flushed with tears as she pulled again at Duckie's arm, pounding at his side and lower back as hard as she could. She remembered the thing that put him down the last time and threw a wing between Duckie's face and Bethany, trying to make a barrier as she continued to swing with her fists, landing a solid blow on his lower back, catching him in the kidney. Gloriana slammed a knee into the vampire's crotch. Duckie smarted from the dual attack, loosening his grip on his prey, and glared up at the ones who struck him, licking Bethany's blood from his lips. But before he could retaliate, Delrith constricted his arms around his front and with his brute strength, dragged him away from Bethany. Duckie struggled against Delrith, freeing an arm, he reached out for Bethany as he was pulled back, delirious in his demented thirst.
"KEA! Reach in my coat and pull out one of the blood vials!" Delrith shouted to Keanna as he wrestled with all his might to keep Duckie away. "Kea! Grab the vial!" he urged her to move fast, the vampire's strength nearly overcoming his own.
Keanna turned her head to yell at Gloriana and Ares as she rushed to aid Delrith, her angel wings splayed to block the women from Duckie's sight, "GET HER OUT OF HERE!!"
Ares grabbed Bethany's hand, dragging her farther away from Duckie. Bethany tripped backwards, she was still in a trance, barely aware of her surroundings. Gloriana scanned the scene quickly to be sure things were clear and steered her sisters towards the Voodoo Shop. She snapped, "Shop! NOW!"
The Coven sisters pushed passed the shop door, tumbling inside. Gloriana slammed the heavy door closed, cursing aloud as she hurriedly activated the protective wards on the building to prevent all from entering.
Bethany collapsed onto the floor in the front shop, weak from the vampire's feeding. Ares knelt down next to her sister's slack body, lifting her head carefully onto her lap, stroking her hair, frowning at the blood stains on her neck. Worry creased her brow as she whispered between sobs, "Beth! Come on Beth! Please be okay! Please!"
Gloriana, satisfied with the shop being locked down securely, turned her attention to her injured sister, coming to her side. Ares wiped at the tear stains on her cheek and pleaded, "Glori! Help! I don't have the powers to heal her!"
Gloriana inclined her head, and said with urgency, "Let me try." She cast her hands out and over Bethany's still form, centred on her neck. She cradled the wound carefully, and concentrated. She drew the energy flow into Bethany, a soft glow emanated from the wound, healing it completely with just a hint of the tiny scars from the vampire's fangs. Gloriana shook a little from the exertion of that healing. It felt stronger than anything she had ever done before.
Bethany cracked open her eyes, taking in a slow breath as she looked up at her sisters and tried awkwardly to get up. Gloriana and Ares simultaneously pressed her back down, "Whoa! No, you must rest!"
Bethany shrugged off her sisters' hands and sat up, her head spinning as she tried to focus on the trio still outside in front of the shop.
Delrith struggled fiercely trying to keep Duckie in his grasp. "KEA! GRAB IT PLEASE!" He jerked open one side of his coat revealing several vials of dark red blood.
Duckie resisted the fierce demon's restraints, his legs and arms kicking and punching. He glared at Keanna accusingly, his blood red eyes piercing. "You did this!"
Keanna jumped forward, trying to reach Delrith's coat around Duckie's thrashing body for the vials of special blood. "No, I didn't!" Her movements showed her chest to be covered with her own blood from earlier. Duckie's smelled the heady scent of the angel's blood and zeroed in on it, leaning forward to nip at her. She threw her hand up against him to hold him off of her.
Delrith snatched Duckie's head and pulled it back to force his mouth to point upward, readying him for the ingestion of the contents of the vials. The vampire was being extremely difficult in his possessed state. Delrith snarled out darkly and extended his fangs before slamming his jaw into Duckie's shoulder in an attempt to weaken him. Duckie struggled even more, yelling, his words clipped. "Nooo!!! Blood!!...I still thirst!...I am not satisifed!! Release me!"
Keanna couldn't reach the vials through the struggling, frantic for solution she finally barked out at the demon, "Let him go Del!...DO IT DEL!!"
Delrith snarled deeply like a rabid dog, he hesitated for just a second hoping Keanna knew what she was asking him to do. He released his jaws from the vampire's shoulder. "Whatever you're going to do Kea, do it NOW!" He scrambled to grab the blood vials from his coat before Duckie could get away again.
Duckie stumbled from the crushing clamp of the demon's mouth, knocking the sprite angel down onto the pavement. The vampire fell on top of her and Keanna's eyes flashed with sheer terror at that second. She knew she had to distract Duckie until Delrith could get to the blood vials. She screamed at the vampire, "DUCKIE! BITE ME!" Duckie flared and sank his fangs into the angel before him. She cringed and let out a scream, her light flickered, bouncing from vibrant to dim to vibrant to dim. She closed her eyes and began to glow, trying to block everything out, thinking only on the religion that birthed her.
"KEA!" Delrith shouted in alarm as he saw Duckie feed from her. He lunged at the vampire, grabbing his head, trying to force his fangs from the angel's throat. Duckie took one last swallow of the angel's blood and suddenly, as though intoxicated, his body slumped over the angel and he fell unconscious.
Delrith pushed the vampire's heavy body off of Keanna, pinning him down with his own in case he awoke. He bit off the cork of the blood vial and growled, "Let us be done with this!" He tilted Duckie's head up and ran half of the contents into Duckie's throat. The vampire thrashed in his unconscious state as the blood seeped down his throat. Delrith popped another vial and poured it into his mouth. Duckie coughed and sputtered. Delrith grabbed the last blood vial and forced it into the vampire's mouth, making him swallow it. Duckie groaned and clutched his head as he sat up.
Delrith shoved the blood vials back into his coat and cautiously kept a close eye on Duckie as he returned to his normal state. Then his sharp demon eyes fell to the sprite angel laying broken on the ground, her breathing was light and blood flowed from her neck staining her shirt burgundy. He knelt over her, "Oh no! KEA!" He shuddered for a moment, biting his bottom lip in guilt and anguish, as he gingerly held her bloody body,"...what were you thinking you little idiot..."
Duckie raked a hand through his hair and looked up in horror at the demon cradling the blood-covered angel. He moaned as he crawled over, "Oh no....it...happened again..." He reached out to touch the angel, "No! Keanna!...are you okay?"
Delrith rocked Keanna in his arms. "She's fading Duckie."
Duckie stared at the angel with remorse, " No...it cannot be." He shook her shoulders gently but with urgency, "Wake up...you have to be okay!...wake up!"
Delrith glared at Duckie, "She let you bite her to give me enough time to give you the blood!" He lifted her slight angel body effortlessly and snapped. "We have to go to the hospital. Now!"
Duckie gathered his trench coat and used it to apply pressure to the neck wound to try to control the bleeding. He shot Delrith a pained look. "No, the Vet Clinic. It's closer!"
Bethany watched the demon, angel, and vampire rush in the direction of the veterinarian clinic. Her hand came up to her neck and touched the healed wound, her palm cupped and covered it. She tilted her head to look up at her sisters, the expression on her face was of sorrow and sympathy. She whispered hoarsely, "He looked sorry for what had happened. He didn't mean to do it. To bite the angel...to bite me."
Gloriana rested a motherly hand over Bethany's head and watched the figures disappear into the fog, and for that second hoped it was true.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Liver & Onions
Bethany slid onto the squeaky swivel stool at the end of the counter in the Diner. There were a few customers to her left that were heartily enjoying their meals. She leaned forward to see what they were eating and felt a sharp jab under her ribs. She frowned, reaching into her jacket pocket to see what had poked her and pulled out a wad of Diner coupons. She turned them in her hands, inspecting them with curiosity, wondering how she came to possess them. She shrugged, deciding it didn't matter, it was going to be a free meal today.
The waiter seemed to be acting as both chef and server as he scurried back and forth between the kitchen and the tables. She tried to wave him down as he reached for a pot of brownish coloured sludge, which she assumed was coffee since he was about to pour it into coffee cups.
"Excuse me, what's the special on today's menu?" she quickly asked before he dashed off with the steaming mugs.
"Liver and onions!" he growled, sloshing the brown liquid onto the counter.
Bethany felt her stomach lurch and tasted the bitter bile rise from her gut. Liver and onions! Of all the dishes to be on Today's Special, it had to be liver and onions. Her hand went straight to her right side and she palpitated her organ gently. She only had half a liver and she was lucky to have that...
"Quillis is raging!" someone had shouted over the buzzing night air.
Bethany was lingering in the street across from the Haven with her friends and a few members of the Kindred Alliance, shooting the breeze. The conversation had turned to jesting taunts directed at her, teasing her about her innate knack of getting herself into incredibly inconceivable predicaments. She felt she was being unduly ganged upon and was ready to defend herself when the unmistakable sound of a feral snarl startled her.
"Human." Quillis sniffed and growled hungrily, "Yes, I'll have you for dinner."
Bethany slowly turned to face the lapping growl. The intense fear she had of werewolves, due to her near-death encounter with Blue, resurfaced with the tide of a tsunami. The hungry werewolf eyed her appreciatively noting her young flesh and extended her long claws. "Yes, you will satisfy my hunger, human."
"Hey," Meat hissed at the werewolf, "Leave her alone!" His vampire fangs bared as he stepped between Bethany and the werewolf.
Quillis glared at Meat for interrupting the capture of her prey. "Is she of the Kindred?" she questioned him and glanced over to the other vampires that were of their party who were observing with idle interest.
Gage, whom she had known the longest and who was of the Kindred Alliance, stood with his arms folded, shook his head. "This is not our battle." and he walked away. Bethany watched him leave, her heart sank knowing that his loyalties to his family were beyond their friendship. It was expected as a member of KA, she had to respect him for that. Though Jozua remained behind, his hand hovered over the hilt of his blade.
"I'm not of the Kindred," Meat drew his blade, his stance was ready, "Don't even try." he warned with fire in his vampire eyes.
Quillis let out a roar and swiped at Meat with her paw. "Out of my way!" she growled angrily, snatching for Bethany. Meat brought his sword up and blocked Quillis' reach. She raged and attacked Meat with wild aggression, slashing his flesh with her sharp claws. He fought the werewolf with the skill of a practiced swordsman, but the wolf's rage was too great and he was defeated.
Jozua was ready to leap after Quillis, but Bethany grabbed his arm. "No! Joz! Don't fight her! She's too strong!" she begged him. He yanked his arm from her grip, his vampire eyes blazing, "I will take vengeance for my friend!" he lunged at the werewolf as Bethany watched helplessly.
"No! No more!" she cried with anguish as both of her friends fell to Quillis' rage. "Stop!" she ran to their injured bodies. A crowd had formed to bottleneck the street, a healer emerged and was assisting her friends. Quillis crouched, panting heavily, licking at her bloody claws, her eyes still wild and hungry as she scanned the people looking for another prey.
Bethany's vision was blinded by her tears and she knew what she had to do to stop this werewolf's raging madness. She would go with Quillis. One life to save many. A sacrifice she had to make, otherwise, how could she live with herself. Quillis took her swiftly into the deathly shadows.
"What the hell happened?" Tanika barged through the crowd to see her friend Meat lying on the ground.
Meat struggled to get up, but was held down by the angel healer, "She took Bethany...Quillis took Bethany."
Tanika's own rage filled her and she reached for her guns. "Where did that bitch go?"
Quillis was returning at that moment, dragging Bethany's bloodied lifeless body back by the hair on her scalp, dumping her on the asphalt. "Here, take your human back. I just wanted a little snack. I'll save the rest of her for later." Quillis snarled and leaped away, snickering at the speechless crowd.
Bethany's wound was bleeding profusely from where the werewolf had ripped open her abdomen to get to her liver. She was fast going into shock and near death. The angel healer hurried to tend to her, closing her wound with a prayer, "She will live."
:: Diner ::
"What'll ya have?" the waiter barked at her, his pen drawn over the small order pad, tapping it impatiently.
Bethany looked up weakly from the counter, her face was pale. She muttered, "I've lost my appetite." She pushed off the stool and rushed to the exit, clutching her tummy, just making it outside before she keeled over and threw up on the street.
The waiter seemed to be acting as both chef and server as he scurried back and forth between the kitchen and the tables. She tried to wave him down as he reached for a pot of brownish coloured sludge, which she assumed was coffee since he was about to pour it into coffee cups.
"Excuse me, what's the special on today's menu?" she quickly asked before he dashed off with the steaming mugs.
"Liver and onions!" he growled, sloshing the brown liquid onto the counter.
Bethany felt her stomach lurch and tasted the bitter bile rise from her gut. Liver and onions! Of all the dishes to be on Today's Special, it had to be liver and onions. Her hand went straight to her right side and she palpitated her organ gently. She only had half a liver and she was lucky to have that...
"Quillis is raging!" someone had shouted over the buzzing night air.
Bethany was lingering in the street across from the Haven with her friends and a few members of the Kindred Alliance, shooting the breeze. The conversation had turned to jesting taunts directed at her, teasing her about her innate knack of getting herself into incredibly inconceivable predicaments. She felt she was being unduly ganged upon and was ready to defend herself when the unmistakable sound of a feral snarl startled her.
"Human." Quillis sniffed and growled hungrily, "Yes, I'll have you for dinner."
Bethany slowly turned to face the lapping growl. The intense fear she had of werewolves, due to her near-death encounter with Blue, resurfaced with the tide of a tsunami. The hungry werewolf eyed her appreciatively noting her young flesh and extended her long claws. "Yes, you will satisfy my hunger, human."
"Hey," Meat hissed at the werewolf, "Leave her alone!" His vampire fangs bared as he stepped between Bethany and the werewolf.
Quillis glared at Meat for interrupting the capture of her prey. "Is she of the Kindred?" she questioned him and glanced over to the other vampires that were of their party who were observing with idle interest.
Gage, whom she had known the longest and who was of the Kindred Alliance, stood with his arms folded, shook his head. "This is not our battle." and he walked away. Bethany watched him leave, her heart sank knowing that his loyalties to his family were beyond their friendship. It was expected as a member of KA, she had to respect him for that. Though Jozua remained behind, his hand hovered over the hilt of his blade.
"I'm not of the Kindred," Meat drew his blade, his stance was ready, "Don't even try." he warned with fire in his vampire eyes.
Quillis let out a roar and swiped at Meat with her paw. "Out of my way!" she growled angrily, snatching for Bethany. Meat brought his sword up and blocked Quillis' reach. She raged and attacked Meat with wild aggression, slashing his flesh with her sharp claws. He fought the werewolf with the skill of a practiced swordsman, but the wolf's rage was too great and he was defeated.
Jozua was ready to leap after Quillis, but Bethany grabbed his arm. "No! Joz! Don't fight her! She's too strong!" she begged him. He yanked his arm from her grip, his vampire eyes blazing, "I will take vengeance for my friend!" he lunged at the werewolf as Bethany watched helplessly.
"No! No more!" she cried with anguish as both of her friends fell to Quillis' rage. "Stop!" she ran to their injured bodies. A crowd had formed to bottleneck the street, a healer emerged and was assisting her friends. Quillis crouched, panting heavily, licking at her bloody claws, her eyes still wild and hungry as she scanned the people looking for another prey.
Bethany's vision was blinded by her tears and she knew what she had to do to stop this werewolf's raging madness. She would go with Quillis. One life to save many. A sacrifice she had to make, otherwise, how could she live with herself. Quillis took her swiftly into the deathly shadows.
"What the hell happened?" Tanika barged through the crowd to see her friend Meat lying on the ground.
Meat struggled to get up, but was held down by the angel healer, "She took Bethany...Quillis took Bethany."
Tanika's own rage filled her and she reached for her guns. "Where did that bitch go?"
Quillis was returning at that moment, dragging Bethany's bloodied lifeless body back by the hair on her scalp, dumping her on the asphalt. "Here, take your human back. I just wanted a little snack. I'll save the rest of her for later." Quillis snarled and leaped away, snickering at the speechless crowd.
Bethany's wound was bleeding profusely from where the werewolf had ripped open her abdomen to get to her liver. She was fast going into shock and near death. The angel healer hurried to tend to her, closing her wound with a prayer, "She will live."
:: Diner ::
"What'll ya have?" the waiter barked at her, his pen drawn over the small order pad, tapping it impatiently.
Bethany looked up weakly from the counter, her face was pale. She muttered, "I've lost my appetite." She pushed off the stool and rushed to the exit, clutching her tummy, just making it outside before she keeled over and threw up on the street.
Gage Okelly,
Jozua Writer,
Meat Supply,
Quillis Cosmos,
Tanika Akina
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Quick Bite
::the stranger = Duckie Dickins (yummy!)::
Bethany had taken the long route back to the Voodoo Shop trying to kill time. She went passed the Ryder's garage, crossed to the radio station and came down the street from the Pit. All was quiet. All was calm. Not a soul in sight. How odd. But this was Toxia - everything was odd.
She took the steps of the Voodoo Shop and stuck her head inside to check to see if her sisters had returned. No one answered except for the low growl of her hunger. Where in the world was everybody? She hung her head and sighed softly with disappointment at being left all alone. She decided to wait for them outside on the rocking toys beside the shop.
"Hello precious...all alone?"
Bethany slowly blinked out of her daydream and lifted her sea green eyes to the stranger standing in front of her. His shadow shrouded her like a dark blanket, blocking the feeble light that fought to escape from the lone lamp post. She could vaguely see his face, only the outline of a strong nose, a firm jaw, and the curve of his lip. She paused for a moment, registering this unexpected presence. She finally found her voice and greeted him politely, without answering his question. "Hello sir."
The stranger inched closer to her, "Tell me...what is a pretty thing, such as yourself, sitting all alone?" he asked again, his voice was captivating.
Bethany's brow wrinkled slightly at the stranger's unnerving familiar ease. She glanced around, beginning to feel a little anxious, and shook her head. "No, I'm not alone. My sisters are just inside." her voice trembled slightly in her lie. She slipped off the panda bear rocking toy carefully, keeping her eyes on the man.
"Inside you say?" He faced her squarely, even though she couldn't see his eyes, he held her gaze all the same, "I just came from inside. It looked quite empty to me." he drawled, each syllable strummed her quickening heartbeat.
She stepped backwards and stumbled a little. "Oh...well...umm, they'll be back soon." She glimpsed over her shoulder to the Voodoo Shop, expecting against hope that her sisters would stroll up the street any second.
The stranger's smile broadened when she tried to recover from her little lie. "How would you like to go get a bite to eat while we wait for your sisters?" he suggested with the air of a friendly acquaintance.
She pulled at a lock of her hair nervously, "Oh, it's okay. I'm not hungry right now. I'll be eating in a little bit with my sisters." Her tummy betrayed her with a resounding gurgle and her hand shot to her abdomen to try to stop it from rumbling.
The stranger took a step closer and he pressed, "Are you sure? I could really use the company while I eat..." his tone was utterly persuasive, curling around Bethany's mind, tugging at her, urging her. He moved nearer. "I do believe there will be more than enough for both of us..."
Bethany thought about his offer as she looked down the street again and decided impulsively with the help of his subliminal persuasion,"...well...just a quick bite. And then I have to come back."
His smile was of expected satisfaction, "Yes..." He closed the small space between them, "A quick bite is all I intended."
The stranger noticed the glint of her cross necklace that circled her slender neck, dropping low to the swell of her breast. "That is a pretty necklace...similar to my own..." He reached out slowly to brush her locks of hair back to have a better look.
Bethany stood very still at his gentle touch. His nearness was intoxicating, her senses were drifting as his scent of a mixture of foreign spices draped her. Her small fingers covered her cross protectively. "We should go eat." she whispered through her trance.
The stranger nodded. "Yes, you are right. Now for that bite to eat." He leaned forward as if to whisper something into her ear. "I have a secret to share..." He smiled wickedly, his warm breath brushed against the nape of her neck. Suddenly she felt a pinprick on her tender skin and heard his soft sigh as he sank his sharp fangs into her vein.
Bethany gasped and her hands pushed weakly against the man's broad chest, her knees buckled as he drank deeply, sucking in her beating life force. Dizzy and disorientated by the vampire's feeding, she whimpered faintly. "No..."
The vampire wrapped her tightly in his strong arms, holding her against him to prevent her from collapsing. His fangs left her slender neck for just a moment as he whispered soothingly, "Shhh...it will be ok..." He found her delicious pulse once again and he continued to feed.
Bethany's soft body pressed against the vampire's hard form, she closed her eyes, losing herself to the sensations overwhelming her. She gripped the lapels of his jacket as she felt her senses reel.
Satiated, the vampire ran his tongue with a sensuous glide over his tiny puncture wounds that marked her neck to seal them shut. His bite turned to kisses as he breathed heavily into her ear. "You tasted wonderful, precious...there is nothing more to fear..."
She felt a strange, but pleasant tingling along her skin from his kisses. She melted into his embrace, weak from his feeding. She was breathless and she couldn't find her voice. She could only nod slowly against his shoulder in reply.
The vampire's kisses trailed along her jawline, until his lips softly pressed against her own. She tasted a curious salty flavour in his kisses. He pressed his forehead to hers and delved into the pools of her eyes. He spoke softly, his words hypnotizing, "I hold no power over you. You have given freely and free you shall be."
He pulled back from her and she let him go reluctantly, feeling a loss she couldn't understand. He discreetly tucked a small bundle of Diner coupons into her jacket pocket. He caressed her cheek possessively, taking in the swirl of colour of her green eyes a moment longer, he smiled, "Until we meet again, precious..." Two red orbs appeared where his eyes would be and glowed intently from the shadow that still cloaked his face.
Bethany's skin flushed warmly from his touch, her hand reached to her neck, her fingers stroked the tiny scars left by the vampire's bite. Her eyes fell to his smile...his lips...and what was behind them. Her lips parted slightly and she breathed. "...yes".
The stranger turned and disappeared into the night.
Bethany had taken the long route back to the Voodoo Shop trying to kill time. She went passed the Ryder's garage, crossed to the radio station and came down the street from the Pit. All was quiet. All was calm. Not a soul in sight. How odd. But this was Toxia - everything was odd.
She took the steps of the Voodoo Shop and stuck her head inside to check to see if her sisters had returned. No one answered except for the low growl of her hunger. Where in the world was everybody? She hung her head and sighed softly with disappointment at being left all alone. She decided to wait for them outside on the rocking toys beside the shop.
"Hello precious...all alone?"
Bethany slowly blinked out of her daydream and lifted her sea green eyes to the stranger standing in front of her. His shadow shrouded her like a dark blanket, blocking the feeble light that fought to escape from the lone lamp post. She could vaguely see his face, only the outline of a strong nose, a firm jaw, and the curve of his lip. She paused for a moment, registering this unexpected presence. She finally found her voice and greeted him politely, without answering his question. "Hello sir."
The stranger inched closer to her, "Tell me...what is a pretty thing, such as yourself, sitting all alone?" he asked again, his voice was captivating.
Bethany's brow wrinkled slightly at the stranger's unnerving familiar ease. She glanced around, beginning to feel a little anxious, and shook her head. "No, I'm not alone. My sisters are just inside." her voice trembled slightly in her lie. She slipped off the panda bear rocking toy carefully, keeping her eyes on the man.
"Inside you say?" He faced her squarely, even though she couldn't see his eyes, he held her gaze all the same, "I just came from inside. It looked quite empty to me." he drawled, each syllable strummed her quickening heartbeat.
She stepped backwards and stumbled a little. "Oh...well...umm, they'll be back soon." She glimpsed over her shoulder to the Voodoo Shop, expecting against hope that her sisters would stroll up the street any second.
The stranger's smile broadened when she tried to recover from her little lie. "How would you like to go get a bite to eat while we wait for your sisters?" he suggested with the air of a friendly acquaintance.
She pulled at a lock of her hair nervously, "Oh, it's okay. I'm not hungry right now. I'll be eating in a little bit with my sisters." Her tummy betrayed her with a resounding gurgle and her hand shot to her abdomen to try to stop it from rumbling.
The stranger took a step closer and he pressed, "Are you sure? I could really use the company while I eat..." his tone was utterly persuasive, curling around Bethany's mind, tugging at her, urging her. He moved nearer. "I do believe there will be more than enough for both of us..."
Bethany thought about his offer as she looked down the street again and decided impulsively with the help of his subliminal persuasion,"...well...just a quick bite. And then I have to come back."
His smile was of expected satisfaction, "Yes..." He closed the small space between them, "A quick bite is all I intended."
The stranger noticed the glint of her cross necklace that circled her slender neck, dropping low to the swell of her breast. "That is a pretty necklace...similar to my own..." He reached out slowly to brush her locks of hair back to have a better look.
Bethany stood very still at his gentle touch. His nearness was intoxicating, her senses were drifting as his scent of a mixture of foreign spices draped her. Her small fingers covered her cross protectively. "We should go eat." she whispered through her trance.
The stranger nodded. "Yes, you are right. Now for that bite to eat." He leaned forward as if to whisper something into her ear. "I have a secret to share..." He smiled wickedly, his warm breath brushed against the nape of her neck. Suddenly she felt a pinprick on her tender skin and heard his soft sigh as he sank his sharp fangs into her vein.
Bethany gasped and her hands pushed weakly against the man's broad chest, her knees buckled as he drank deeply, sucking in her beating life force. Dizzy and disorientated by the vampire's feeding, she whimpered faintly. "No..."
The vampire wrapped her tightly in his strong arms, holding her against him to prevent her from collapsing. His fangs left her slender neck for just a moment as he whispered soothingly, "Shhh...it will be ok..." He found her delicious pulse once again and he continued to feed.
Bethany's soft body pressed against the vampire's hard form, she closed her eyes, losing herself to the sensations overwhelming her. She gripped the lapels of his jacket as she felt her senses reel.
Satiated, the vampire ran his tongue with a sensuous glide over his tiny puncture wounds that marked her neck to seal them shut. His bite turned to kisses as he breathed heavily into her ear. "You tasted wonderful, precious...there is nothing more to fear..."
She felt a strange, but pleasant tingling along her skin from his kisses. She melted into his embrace, weak from his feeding. She was breathless and she couldn't find her voice. She could only nod slowly against his shoulder in reply.
The vampire's kisses trailed along her jawline, until his lips softly pressed against her own. She tasted a curious salty flavour in his kisses. He pressed his forehead to hers and delved into the pools of her eyes. He spoke softly, his words hypnotizing, "I hold no power over you. You have given freely and free you shall be."
He pulled back from her and she let him go reluctantly, feeling a loss she couldn't understand. He discreetly tucked a small bundle of Diner coupons into her jacket pocket. He caressed her cheek possessively, taking in the swirl of colour of her green eyes a moment longer, he smiled, "Until we meet again, precious..." Two red orbs appeared where his eyes would be and glowed intently from the shadow that still cloaked his face.
Bethany's skin flushed warmly from his touch, her hand reached to her neck, her fingers stroked the tiny scars left by the vampire's bite. Her eyes fell to his smile...his lips...and what was behind them. Her lips parted slightly and she breathed. "...yes".
The stranger turned and disappeared into the night.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Spells! Shmells! ARRGH!
Bethany's arms flailed wildly and she shrieked in panic. The upstairs room of the Voodoo Shop was filled with black smoke that smelled awful, like burning plastic and sulfur. Coughing hard, she ran for the door to the balcony and sucked in deep breaths of air, only to choke again from the toxic fumes that drifted from the green waters beyond the beach. She really did need to invest in a gas mask one of these days, and she wondered if they came in pink.
She went back inside and groaned with despair at the charred heap in front of her. Her magick skills were just as pathetic as her combat skills! If anything, thank goodness the rug didn't catch fire. Arc would have had her head. She knelt down beside the catastrophe and wrinkled her nose, frowning in confusion. She picked out her spellbook from the mess with her forefinger and thumb. Surprisingly, it was still intact, only the edges were burnt. She tossed it to the side before she began to poke at the ashes for any evidence of success.
Her sisters had made magick look so easy! What a crock! She sat back on her bottom and sighed heavily, disheartened. She reached for her singed spellbook, tugged the pencil from its spine, and flipped to the page 'Easy Spells for the Beginner Mage' and promptly put a large X through the title.
She went back inside and groaned with despair at the charred heap in front of her. Her magick skills were just as pathetic as her combat skills! If anything, thank goodness the rug didn't catch fire. Arc would have had her head. She knelt down beside the catastrophe and wrinkled her nose, frowning in confusion. She picked out her spellbook from the mess with her forefinger and thumb. Surprisingly, it was still intact, only the edges were burnt. She tossed it to the side before she began to poke at the ashes for any evidence of success.
Her sisters had made magick look so easy! What a crock! She sat back on her bottom and sighed heavily, disheartened. She reached for her singed spellbook, tugged the pencil from its spine, and flipped to the page 'Easy Spells for the Beginner Mage' and promptly put a large X through the title.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Diary - Family
::lying on the rug in the backroom of the Voodoo Shop, in her usual spot::
::humming Beethoven's 9th symphony::
Dear Diary,
I've never had a sister before. Now I have 3, or is it 4, 5? ::number is scratched out a few times:: They keep popping up! Don't get me wrong though, I do love them all! They each have their own magickal qualities. Maybe one day they'll teach me some of their little tricks! But in the meantime and in between time, if only they just stopped sitting in my favourite spot on the rug, I'd be a very happy girl! So, I'm a little possessive of my spot, you'd be too if that's where you hid your secret stuff. Thank God, they don't know about it!
Arcann is definitely papa! He calls us his daughters. It's actually rather nice. It makes me feel safe. Although his temper can be quite, what's the word... Stormy. I know now why he was known as Stormbringer. When his temper flares, omigod, beware! Maybe he's just overprotective of us. I don't know. But, to be honest, I kinda like it. Scares off the undesirables rather handily, really. Though sadly, he's managed to deter a few desirable suitors. Gonna have to sneak around him in future if ever I'm going to meet someone! He's definitely our dad.
Regg is with us too. I'm glad he's here, even if he doesn't come by the shop much. He hangs at the Haven alot. At least I know where to find him. I've missed him so much...I wonder if he misses me.
But, no matter how horrible my day had been (usually because of Blue), or how much blood was spilled, or how many innocent and not-so innocent lives were slain. I know I have a family to come home to.
::humming Beethoven's 9th symphony::
Dear Diary,
I've never had a sister before. Now I have 3, or is it 4, 5? ::number is scratched out a few times:: They keep popping up! Don't get me wrong though, I do love them all! They each have their own magickal qualities. Maybe one day they'll teach me some of their little tricks! But in the meantime and in between time, if only they just stopped sitting in my favourite spot on the rug, I'd be a very happy girl! So, I'm a little possessive of my spot, you'd be too if that's where you hid your secret stuff. Thank God, they don't know about it!
Arcann is definitely papa! He calls us his daughters. It's actually rather nice. It makes me feel safe. Although his temper can be quite, what's the word... Stormy. I know now why he was known as Stormbringer. When his temper flares, omigod, beware! Maybe he's just overprotective of us. I don't know. But, to be honest, I kinda like it. Scares off the undesirables rather handily, really. Though sadly, he's managed to deter a few desirable suitors. Gonna have to sneak around him in future if ever I'm going to meet someone! He's definitely our dad.
Regg is with us too. I'm glad he's here, even if he doesn't come by the shop much. He hangs at the Haven alot. At least I know where to find him. I've missed him so much...I wonder if he misses me.
But, no matter how horrible my day had been (usually because of Blue), or how much blood was spilled, or how many innocent and not-so innocent lives were slain. I know I have a family to come home to.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Changing of the Guard
He was known as Stormbringer.
The still air literally crackled around his tall, lithe yet muscular, frame. Arcann Dyrssen, elven mage, stood with a dominating presence in the centre of the backroom of the Voodoo Shop. His sharp, elongated ears twitched subtly, detecting any sounds that disturbed the winds. A wisdom of over three hundred years shone from the depths of his azure eyes which rested on the gathering of the apprentices of The Coven.
He carefully folded the heavy papyrus and brought his arms behind his back, gripping the letter from his old friend tightly with his gloved hands. His lips were set firmly and he slowly released a long breath. The elven mage's aura seemed to glow and encompass the room with pure energy.
The Coven apprentices were silent as they waited for him to speak. He did not need to say a word. They already knew.
The young apprentices nodded to their new leader.
Their Satori.
The still air literally crackled around his tall, lithe yet muscular, frame. Arcann Dyrssen, elven mage, stood with a dominating presence in the centre of the backroom of the Voodoo Shop. His sharp, elongated ears twitched subtly, detecting any sounds that disturbed the winds. A wisdom of over three hundred years shone from the depths of his azure eyes which rested on the gathering of the apprentices of The Coven.
He carefully folded the heavy papyrus and brought his arms behind his back, gripping the letter from his old friend tightly with his gloved hands. His lips were set firmly and he slowly released a long breath. The elven mage's aura seemed to glow and encompass the room with pure energy.
The Coven apprentices were silent as they waited for him to speak. He did not need to say a word. They already knew.
The young apprentices nodded to their new leader.
Their Satori.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Pole Dancing
“NO!” Jortek’s voice was stern as he shook his head in disapproval, so unlike the melodic voices of angels in a choir. He must not have been in the choir, Bethany thought sadly to herself.
Bethany winced and dropped her blades to the ground. Her arms ached from thrashing her swords uselessly in the air, missing her target completely. “I can’t! It’s too hard!” she complained, panting breathlessly. Her hair was damp from exertion and matted against her head, salty sweat droplets dripped from her nose.
“Focus on an object, a lamp post, a pole. Use it as your target.” He paced around her, his angel eyes locked on her, giving her no escape. “Practice!”
She sighed heavily and lifted the magical twin blades, holding them ready as he had instructed. She looked over to her teacher, a proud, Righteous angel she had met when she first came to the city. They had become fast friends. He was always ready to advise her in the finer points of combat and defense even though she insisted her aptitude towards that area was pitifully lacking. Her combat lessons were proving this fact very clearly!
She tried again, focusing on her target, this time a sturdy light pole. It was stationary and solid. Shouldn’t be too difficult to miss Jortek had reassured her. She took a deep breath, blinked her wet lashes dry, and dived towards it with a swan’s grace that she was rather impressed with.
Then suddenly, Bethany came to an abrupt halt as her body, head-first, banged into the unforgiving metal standard. Her head swam, and she stared at the pole dumbfounded and dazed. She rubbed her bruised forehead gingerly with the back of her hand and all she could hear ringing in her ears were angel voices singing, “Practice!”
Bethany winced and dropped her blades to the ground. Her arms ached from thrashing her swords uselessly in the air, missing her target completely. “I can’t! It’s too hard!” she complained, panting breathlessly. Her hair was damp from exertion and matted against her head, salty sweat droplets dripped from her nose.
“Focus on an object, a lamp post, a pole. Use it as your target.” He paced around her, his angel eyes locked on her, giving her no escape. “Practice!”
She sighed heavily and lifted the magical twin blades, holding them ready as he had instructed. She looked over to her teacher, a proud, Righteous angel she had met when she first came to the city. They had become fast friends. He was always ready to advise her in the finer points of combat and defense even though she insisted her aptitude towards that area was pitifully lacking. Her combat lessons were proving this fact very clearly!
She tried again, focusing on her target, this time a sturdy light pole. It was stationary and solid. Shouldn’t be too difficult to miss Jortek had reassured her. She took a deep breath, blinked her wet lashes dry, and dived towards it with a swan’s grace that she was rather impressed with.
Then suddenly, Bethany came to an abrupt halt as her body, head-first, banged into the unforgiving metal standard. Her head swam, and she stared at the pole dumbfounded and dazed. She rubbed her bruised forehead gingerly with the back of her hand and all she could hear ringing in her ears were angel voices singing, “Practice!”
Friday, May 30, 2008
The vague light of dawn trickled through the grimy windows of the Voodoo Shop’s backroom. Bethany sighed despondently as she stretched and rubbed her weary eyes. Her dreams were scant but last night they were wrought with bloodlust demons. Some nights she wished she had her medication so she could slip under into a peaceful quiet. Now, she only rested, sleep would not come anymore.
She prepared herself for another day, performed the morning rituals of hygiene. She ran her fingers several times through her long chestnut hair and it fell in waves down her back. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her skirt and shirt, pulled on her knit cardigan, frowning a bit as she flicked off a stray wolf’s hair. She paused for a moment at her reflection, sea green eyes shone back mockingly. Who cared how she looked anyways? Today, she was going to get some accessories.
She walked in the streets for some time before she came upon the church and spotted the angel she was searching for. The variant creatures in the city no longer fazed her, having seen them in her nightmares and up close and personal.
The angel’s wings were wide and proud and they seemed to embrace her as she came nearer to him. She saw his pure white aura beaming from his soul, it made her feel safe in a city that taunted death at every turn. She smiled up at Jortek and he greeted her warmly. She told him she was going to learn to defend herself. He nodded approvingly and guided her to the weapons store.
He ran through the merits of each weapon in detail and all the information sadly sieved through her brain, leaving her staring at the product displays in confusion. She timidly weighed each blade, each staff in her small hands, testing its mettle, but she was more interested in how intricately crafted they were. She finally decided upon a set of beautiful twin blades. Their hilts were carved of rich ebony and the black blades were forged from a mystical ore that glistened like oil, apparently giving them a distinct advantage in damage when a target was struck. And Bethany needed all the advantage she could get!
She strapped the blades across her shoulders, grinning as they matched her outfit rather nicely. She strutted out of the weapons store with a newfound confidence and hoped the sight of these dangerous accessories would be enough of a deterrent to predators.
She prepared herself for another day, performed the morning rituals of hygiene. She ran her fingers several times through her long chestnut hair and it fell in waves down her back. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her skirt and shirt, pulled on her knit cardigan, frowning a bit as she flicked off a stray wolf’s hair. She paused for a moment at her reflection, sea green eyes shone back mockingly. Who cared how she looked anyways? Today, she was going to get some accessories.
She walked in the streets for some time before she came upon the church and spotted the angel she was searching for. The variant creatures in the city no longer fazed her, having seen them in her nightmares and up close and personal.
The angel’s wings were wide and proud and they seemed to embrace her as she came nearer to him. She saw his pure white aura beaming from his soul, it made her feel safe in a city that taunted death at every turn. She smiled up at Jortek and he greeted her warmly. She told him she was going to learn to defend herself. He nodded approvingly and guided her to the weapons store.
He ran through the merits of each weapon in detail and all the information sadly sieved through her brain, leaving her staring at the product displays in confusion. She timidly weighed each blade, each staff in her small hands, testing its mettle, but she was more interested in how intricately crafted they were. She finally decided upon a set of beautiful twin blades. Their hilts were carved of rich ebony and the black blades were forged from a mystical ore that glistened like oil, apparently giving them a distinct advantage in damage when a target was struck. And Bethany needed all the advantage she could get!
She strapped the blades across her shoulders, grinning as they matched her outfit rather nicely. She strutted out of the weapons store with a newfound confidence and hoped the sight of these dangerous accessories would be enough of a deterrent to predators.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Shop Keeper
The dense curtain of fog had parted quickly with shuffling feet and bowed low with respect to the imposing figure that swept through it. She had known it was him by the way he carried himself. Confident and commanding. Powerful and intimidating. Dark and mysterious. The Satori of The Coven. Tony Bouchard.
It had been many moons since that encounter, but she had not forgotten the words he had spoken to her.
"It is how you use what you see..."
"...figure out what you want to do with it first...then worry about it..."
"Think about what I said...really think about it."
"...Then come find me again.”
Bethany tapped on the wall to the back room of the Voodoo Shop, she parted the beaded glass curtain and peered inside. The room was empty. She walked to his desk and placed her letter upon it, in hopes he would return soon to read it.
::the penmanship is graceful and elegant in the cursive script::
Dear Mr. Bouchard,
I have wanted to write to you in some time now, but didn't have the courage to pick up my pen. As it is, I will now convey what I have held within for so long.
I wish to thank you for giving me shelter in your shoppe when I was lost and alone. Your generous kindness meant more to me than you could possibly know.
Since our last conversation, I have had the opportunity to think on all that you had said to me. Your words forced me to confront myself, to accept what I am, who I am. I am still discovering and learning about this gift, or perhaps I still wonder, this curse that is a part of me.
As I wander, I see the true faces of hell's darkest creatures. There are some I see with the horrid blood red glow upon them and they will bleed rivers in battle. I have tried to warn some of their fate, but only to be scoffed at. Unfortunate deaths became them. So, this is what it is.
Perhaps, my gift will be of use to you some day, sir, as I am hoping it will.
With earnest sincerity, may I be so bold as to ask for sanctuary within The Coven, sir? It is the only place that has calmed my soul in this dark city.
::the faintest scent of apple blossoms linger::
It had been many moons since that encounter, but she had not forgotten the words he had spoken to her.
"It is how you use what you see..."
"...figure out what you want to do with it first...then worry about it..."
"Think about what I said...really think about it."
"...Then come find me again.”
Bethany tapped on the wall to the back room of the Voodoo Shop, she parted the beaded glass curtain and peered inside. The room was empty. She walked to his desk and placed her letter upon it, in hopes he would return soon to read it.
::the penmanship is graceful and elegant in the cursive script::
Dear Mr. Bouchard,
I have wanted to write to you in some time now, but didn't have the courage to pick up my pen. As it is, I will now convey what I have held within for so long.
I wish to thank you for giving me shelter in your shoppe when I was lost and alone. Your generous kindness meant more to me than you could possibly know.
Since our last conversation, I have had the opportunity to think on all that you had said to me. Your words forced me to confront myself, to accept what I am, who I am. I am still discovering and learning about this gift, or perhaps I still wonder, this curse that is a part of me.
As I wander, I see the true faces of hell's darkest creatures. There are some I see with the horrid blood red glow upon them and they will bleed rivers in battle. I have tried to warn some of their fate, but only to be scoffed at. Unfortunate deaths became them. So, this is what it is.
Perhaps, my gift will be of use to you some day, sir, as I am hoping it will.
With earnest sincerity, may I be so bold as to ask for sanctuary within The Coven, sir? It is the only place that has calmed my soul in this dark city.
::the faintest scent of apple blossoms linger::
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Shop Steps
It was cold that night and the sky was darker than usual. It weighed heavy on her shoulders. Bethany crouched on the steps of the Voodoo Shop, hugging her knees tightly, her eyes darted nervously around her. Every sudden noise, every sudden movement made her jump out of her skin. Although she had been completely healed of the physical wounds she suffered at Blueray’s hand, mentally she was a wreck. Night terrors blurred into day terrors. The haunting visions became her constant companions.
“Hello.” A rough male voice disturbed the burdening silence of the night. It startled Bethany and she felt her blood drain from her head, making her dizzy. “Is there anything I can help you with?” he eyed her suspiciously, standing with his arms crossed in expectation.
She rose with shaking legs and nodded, “Yes, I...I need to talk to the man…” She gestured over her shoulder to the entrance of the shop, “who, umm, works here.”
The man shifted slightly, he was of average height and build, though his presence was daunting. He tilted his head questioningly, his dark eyes never leaving her. “Do you remember his name?”
Bethany shook her head, her mouth was dry, she tried to swallow. "No, he didn't tell me his name. He looked very powerful though…and he was studying at the desk."
The man grunted as though he knew to whom she was enquiring about, “What is your message? I will get it to him. He is not in town now.”
Disappointment etched her face, "Yes, if you could please. If you could tell him Bethany is wanting to talk to him."
The man nodded briefly, “I will leave him the message that you were looking for him.” He began to walk up the steps to the shop.
Bethany winced abruptly and started to feel a pulsating pain in her head, the unnerving premonition of another vision. She pressed her palms to her temples and leaned against the stoop, weakened by the pain.
The man stopped and turned back to her. “You seem to be in pain.” His voice became soft with concern. “May I lay my hand on you? I am a healer.”
Bethany head lifted and she tried to focus on the man. "It's been getting worse. I don't know what to do." She leaned back away from him, suddenly afraid. Her mind began to swirl with howling shadows of hell.
“I am not going to hurt you.” He said soothingly, “Why are you afraid of me?”
Her eyes turned glassy and she stared at him in a trance. Her body was still and she seemed to look right into his soul. She didn’t speak. The man moved closer raising his hand towards her head. She remained motionless as he approached her. Her eyes brimmed with tears, as though she was fighting to free herself from this catatonic state.
He placed a hand gently on either side of her head and looked deeply into her sea green eyes. “Relax. Let me help you.”
Bethany inhaled sharply and blinked several times, the tears fell down her cheeks. She relaxed at his touch and her body slackened. He moved his hand to support her sagging body. She returned to consciousness, she was quivering. She turned her head and looked intently into his face. "I saw something...in you."
The man brushed the tears from her cheek, “What is that Bethany?”
"Your soul was glowing." she whispered, her voice cracked with distress and her eyes darkened in fear. The vision she saw was the aura of his soul, it glowed crimson with blood. Her voice trembled with anxiety, "I need to see him...soon."
“Hello.” A rough male voice disturbed the burdening silence of the night. It startled Bethany and she felt her blood drain from her head, making her dizzy. “Is there anything I can help you with?” he eyed her suspiciously, standing with his arms crossed in expectation.
She rose with shaking legs and nodded, “Yes, I...I need to talk to the man…” She gestured over her shoulder to the entrance of the shop, “who, umm, works here.”
The man shifted slightly, he was of average height and build, though his presence was daunting. He tilted his head questioningly, his dark eyes never leaving her. “Do you remember his name?”
Bethany shook her head, her mouth was dry, she tried to swallow. "No, he didn't tell me his name. He looked very powerful though…and he was studying at the desk."
The man grunted as though he knew to whom she was enquiring about, “What is your message? I will get it to him. He is not in town now.”
Disappointment etched her face, "Yes, if you could please. If you could tell him Bethany is wanting to talk to him."
The man nodded briefly, “I will leave him the message that you were looking for him.” He began to walk up the steps to the shop.
Bethany winced abruptly and started to feel a pulsating pain in her head, the unnerving premonition of another vision. She pressed her palms to her temples and leaned against the stoop, weakened by the pain.
The man stopped and turned back to her. “You seem to be in pain.” His voice became soft with concern. “May I lay my hand on you? I am a healer.”
Bethany head lifted and she tried to focus on the man. "It's been getting worse. I don't know what to do." She leaned back away from him, suddenly afraid. Her mind began to swirl with howling shadows of hell.
“I am not going to hurt you.” He said soothingly, “Why are you afraid of me?”
Her eyes turned glassy and she stared at him in a trance. Her body was still and she seemed to look right into his soul. She didn’t speak. The man moved closer raising his hand towards her head. She remained motionless as he approached her. Her eyes brimmed with tears, as though she was fighting to free herself from this catatonic state.
He placed a hand gently on either side of her head and looked deeply into her sea green eyes. “Relax. Let me help you.”
Bethany inhaled sharply and blinked several times, the tears fell down her cheeks. She relaxed at his touch and her body slackened. He moved his hand to support her sagging body. She returned to consciousness, she was quivering. She turned her head and looked intently into his face. "I saw something...in you."
The man brushed the tears from her cheek, “What is that Bethany?”
"Your soul was glowing." she whispered, her voice cracked with distress and her eyes darkened in fear. The vision she saw was the aura of his soul, it glowed crimson with blood. Her voice trembled with anxiety, "I need to see him...soon."
Monday, May 26, 2008
Shop Lights
It was the dimmest light, barely discernable in the shadow of the dead street on the south side of Toxia. Bethany was inexplicably drawn to it, like a moth to a flame. As she came closer, a small shop appeared out of the thick mist.
Bethany pushed the heavy door open, it was already ajar, and it creaked low and long. A gush of dust and incense furled her nostrils. She held her breath and waved her hand in front of her nose to clear the air.
“Something I can help you with?” a deep, masculine voice, smooth as black velvet startled her. A tall man, broad shouldered and muscular, stood behind the front display case. His dark hair fell with roguish seduction across his brow, framing the angular lines of his face. He was alarmingly handsome, which made Bethany ogle like a schoolgirl.
“Sorry, no. I-I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Bethany stuttered and shook her head. She turned a shade of red, embarrassed to be staring at him.
The man eyed her with an air of arrogant authority, “Feel free to look around.” He paused briefly, then sternly warned. “Don’t step behind the counter.”
Bethany nodded quickly to the powerful looking man “Oh…umm…,” she tripped over her words nervously, “perhaps…another time.” She decided it was best she left now before she made a silly fool of herself. She turned on her heel and nearly stumbled as she headed for the door. She grabbed the door handle, and glanced back over her shoulder to the mysterious man.
The cold air greeted her with a chill. She stopped at the base of the steps and looked up to read the faded and cracked store sign, “Voodoo Shop”. A strange tingle ran down her spine. Somehow, she knew she would return…
Bethany pushed the heavy door open, it was already ajar, and it creaked low and long. A gush of dust and incense furled her nostrils. She held her breath and waved her hand in front of her nose to clear the air.
“Something I can help you with?” a deep, masculine voice, smooth as black velvet startled her. A tall man, broad shouldered and muscular, stood behind the front display case. His dark hair fell with roguish seduction across his brow, framing the angular lines of his face. He was alarmingly handsome, which made Bethany ogle like a schoolgirl.
“Sorry, no. I-I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Bethany stuttered and shook her head. She turned a shade of red, embarrassed to be staring at him.
The man eyed her with an air of arrogant authority, “Feel free to look around.” He paused briefly, then sternly warned. “Don’t step behind the counter.”
Bethany nodded quickly to the powerful looking man “Oh…umm…,” she tripped over her words nervously, “perhaps…another time.” She decided it was best she left now before she made a silly fool of herself. She turned on her heel and nearly stumbled as she headed for the door. She grabbed the door handle, and glanced back over her shoulder to the mysterious man.
The cold air greeted her with a chill. She stopped at the base of the steps and looked up to read the faded and cracked store sign, “Voodoo Shop”. A strange tingle ran down her spine. Somehow, she knew she would return…
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Medical Records
Toxian City General Hospital
Date of Admission: Friday 10:19pm
Attending Physician: (not disclosed)
Name: Bethany (aka Beth, Bethy)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 21
Height: 172cm
Weight: 57kg
Eye Colour: Sea green
Hair Colour: Chestnut brown
Bloodtype: AB+
Family History:
Biological parents unknown – abandoned in Toxia at age 2
Taken to mainland and adopted
No known siblings
Medical History:
- long history of mental illness – currently not medicated
- insomnia
- claims to foresee death – visions in her mind (attribute back to mental illness?)
Chief Complaint:
- concussion
- R patella - fracture
- L lower arm - multiple fractures
- Severe lacerations to R & L upper and lower arms and wrists
- R zygomatic bone fracture
- Fractured ribs: R:4,5; L:4,5,6 – no lung puncture
- Trauma to vaginal wall
Discharge notes:
Advised patient to avoid Blueray and werewolves in general
Date of Admission: Friday 10:19pm
Attending Physician: (not disclosed)
Name: Bethany (aka Beth, Bethy)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 21
Height: 172cm
Weight: 57kg
Eye Colour: Sea green
Hair Colour: Chestnut brown
Bloodtype: AB+
Family History:
Biological parents unknown – abandoned in Toxia at age 2
Taken to mainland and adopted
No known siblings
Medical History:
- long history of mental illness – currently not medicated
- insomnia
- claims to foresee death – visions in her mind (attribute back to mental illness?)
Chief Complaint:
- concussion
- R patella - fracture
- L lower arm - multiple fractures
- Severe lacerations to R & L upper and lower arms and wrists
- R zygomatic bone fracture
- Fractured ribs: R:4,5; L:4,5,6 – no lung puncture
- Trauma to vaginal wall
Discharge notes:
Advised patient to avoid Blueray and werewolves in general
Friday, May 23, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle - Part 4 (finale)
::Parts 1,2,3,&4 direct from roleplay – with just a smidgen of spellcheck and fleshing::
::shimmery werewolf = Rau Ninetails; furious werewolf = anonymous::
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
Bethany tucked the other 50 into her boot for completing the delivery of the message to Blueray. She made a mental note to immediately look for a legitimate deskjob to earn money to buy a weapon - maybe the Library or the Voodoo Shop had openings. She hoped never to see that shimmery werewolf again, nor the residents of the ominous Pit of hell. She was heading back to the Church to find her friend CJ when an angry voice snarled behind her.
“What the fuck! How much did you get paid?”
Bethany jumped, her heart jammed in her throat. “What?!” She spun around to see a furious werewolf a hair's breadth from her face. Another one! Bugger! What was with all the werewolves tonight? Was it a full moon?
The wolf snarled again, blood dripped from her maw. Her breath was thick with the smell of raw flesh, "How much did you fucking get paid to barge into our home?"
Bethany took a few steps backwards, she looked around desperately for anyone in the vicinity. They were alone. She scrambled to calm her nerves and summoned any bit of bravado she had in hopes of scaring away this werewolf. She stood firm and snapped, "Obviously not enough!"
The furious wolf smiled with an evil glint in her animal eyes. "So, you did get paid." She closed the distance between them and whipped out her pistol. She pressed it hard against Bethany's head. "You are coming with me. Or you’re going to die."
Bethany glared at the furious werewolf with one last foolish attempt to shake her off. She could taste her own fear in her mouth, "You're gonna shoot me?"
The werewolf's maw curled into a sickening smile. "No, I'mma bring you back to our house. And if you cooperate you might not be eaten. Capiche?”
The werewolf smirked. "Walk forward, me behind you." Bethany stumbled as she felt the mouth of the pistol rammed roughly at her back. Her brave facade melted away like ice cream in the summer sun. The furious wolf snarled, blood dripped onto Bethany's shoulder. "Come on! Now!"
Blueray pressed her face to the glass and watched the furious werewolf bring Bethany back to the Pit. A sadistic grin slowly curled her lips.
“Keep walking!” the furious werewolf growled, shoving Bethany to the middle of the floor, "See those poles?" she pushed her down onto the grates, she fell hard and scraped her knees, "Lay down!" Bethany winced from the cuts on her knees, she obeyed the werewolf's order without a word, stricken with fear. The werewolf smirked, “That was easier than I thought.”
The furious werewolf tied Bethany down on all four corners, pulling the ropes painfully tight around her ankles and bare wrists, making sure she couldn't get away. Bethany was paralyzed with fright. Her eyes darted from the furious wolf to Blueray, her voice trembled, “W-what are you going to do to me?"
Blueray put her right foot onto Bethany's thigh and dug in her claws, "You know what they say, don't shoot the messenger...but we like doing something better than shooting".
Bethany cried in pain as she felt her skin being clawed open. "Don't!"
Blueray barked and leaned down over Bethany's supine body, saliva dripped hungrily from her maw, “Fuck you! You came here and got us all screwed over!” She dug her foot claws deeper, hearing the flesh tear, "How much you get paid?"
Bethany thrashed and pulled uselessly at the ropes, cutting her tender wrists. "I was just giving you a message!" She could feel her blood run down her thigh, it dripped through the grates down into the lava below.
Blueray dragged her foot down Bethany's thigh, stopping just above the knee, "How much?” she hissed. The furious werewolf pistol whipped her across the cheek with impatience, "See, I ain’t in a good mood. And you’re gonna tell us! Or I'mma blow your brains out!" Bethany's head jerked to one side from the force of the pistol blow and she screamed. Blueray lifted up her foot and slammed it down with cruel force onto Bethany's knee. Her eyes popped with blinding pain and tears streamed down her face. Blueray threw her head back and cackled, almost insanely.
The furious wolf grinned and put the gun to Bethany's mouth and drawled, "Now, tell us who paid you off and for how much, and we might let you live." Blueray put her right foot on the floor, and lifted up her left one and pressed it on her arm. Bethany tried to breath around the pistol's barrel, it tasted of iron and soot and blood. Blueray growled, “Speak up or I break your arm!” She pushed her foot down harder, painfully harder.
Bethany whimpered, “I don't know who it was!"
Blueray slammed her foot down onto her arm, the sound of two cracks made Bethany's face contort with nausea. Blueray bent over her, twisting her foot on her arm, "No name? Not even a description?"
Bethany groaned in excruciating pain, muffled by the pistol barrel. "...SHE didn't tell me her name."
The furious wolf snarled again and forced the gun between Bethany's legs. "Want me to blow a hole in you so large you wont be able to make love?" The wolf jabbed the gun up further. Bethany twisted her hips, trying to get away from the invasion. "Okay! How much did you get paid! And what the FUCK did she look like!"
Blueray knelt down beside Bethany and grabbed her hair. She was overwhelmed with pain, her breathing came in short gasps, choked with tears, "She was like you...She looked like you." Blueray paused and looked at Bethany, “Are you sure?” The furious wolf thrust the gun up into her, hard. "What fucking COLOUR!"
Bethany shook her head weakly and muttered, "I couldn't see in the dark."
Blueray smacked Bethany's head against the floor and she saw stars, "You're lying!"
The wolf snarled now clicking the safety off her pistol. "One........two...."
The wolf angrily thrust the gun further, now almost inside of her. "How much did you get paid?" Blueray dug a claw into one breast and twisted it. Bethany's eyes shot open as new pain surged through her."...Hundred bucks!" she croaked.
The slender one from earlier laughed as she looked down to the trio, "I knew she'd come around for some fun eventually..."
Blueray twisted her claw in both directions and snickered, "Hundred bucks to come to the Pit, most would ask for more..."
Blueray pulled her claw back and licked it clean, purring. She looked down at Bethany's broken body to see where else she could stick it. “I think she wants to die.” She snickered, “This is only child's play compared to what can happen." She trailed a sharp claw down Bethany's stomach, resting her paw there, waiting to bury it passed the clothing and flesh.
Bethany's head fell from side to side. "Don't..."
The furious werewolf pulled her knife from her ankle strap and picked up Bethany's hand lazily. She gouged the blade into her finger, and threw her index finger nail across the grate.
Bethany screamed bloody murder as her fingernail was torn off.
The furious wolf snarled and dropped Bethany's bleeding hand to the floor. The fresh blood pooled with her sticky blood that already surrounded her. The wolf growled with boredom, seemingly satisfied there was nothing left to get out of Bethany. "Let her go, she ain't worth the trouble, She won't come back here."
Blueray pouted at the end of the interrogation and the loss of her toy. She roughly yanked the bloody ropes from Bethany's wrists and ankles. For last measure, she spit on her lifeless form.
The furious werewolf viciously grabbed Bethany up by the hair. "I'mma drop you off the stairs." She dragged her to the back. She snarled with wicked satisfaction and kicked Bethany in the ribcage, rolling her over the edge. "Good riddens you useless daughter of a whore."
Blueray watched Bethany's limp body fall to the ground and land with a thud, “I hope she can crawl to the hospital.”
Bethany groaned and pulled herself up slowly with the last threads of her strength. She caught a glimpse of shimmery fur through her swollen eyes. "YOU!" she spat out the blood that filled her mouth.
The shimmery werewolf shrugged, “What?”
Bethany glared, she could barely speak. "YOU! You nearly got me killed!"
The shimmery werewolf waved her paw with indifference, "That’s too bad that you didn’t, Humans are all expendable in my eyes."
Bethany’s jaw dropped and she winced from the pain. She had nothing left in her to fight, she dragged herself away, glancing back with disgust at the gathering of werewolves.
Lord Janvier stood to the side with controlled reserve, his hands folded behind him. He remained silent as he simply watched with his fiery demon eyes. They churned restlessly like the lava under the grates of the Pit.
::shimmery werewolf = Rau Ninetails; furious werewolf = anonymous::
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
Bethany tucked the other 50 into her boot for completing the delivery of the message to Blueray. She made a mental note to immediately look for a legitimate deskjob to earn money to buy a weapon - maybe the Library or the Voodoo Shop had openings. She hoped never to see that shimmery werewolf again, nor the residents of the ominous Pit of hell. She was heading back to the Church to find her friend CJ when an angry voice snarled behind her.
“What the fuck! How much did you get paid?”
Bethany jumped, her heart jammed in her throat. “What?!” She spun around to see a furious werewolf a hair's breadth from her face. Another one! Bugger! What was with all the werewolves tonight? Was it a full moon?
The wolf snarled again, blood dripped from her maw. Her breath was thick with the smell of raw flesh, "How much did you fucking get paid to barge into our home?"
Bethany took a few steps backwards, she looked around desperately for anyone in the vicinity. They were alone. She scrambled to calm her nerves and summoned any bit of bravado she had in hopes of scaring away this werewolf. She stood firm and snapped, "Obviously not enough!"
The furious wolf smiled with an evil glint in her animal eyes. "So, you did get paid." She closed the distance between them and whipped out her pistol. She pressed it hard against Bethany's head. "You are coming with me. Or you’re going to die."
Bethany glared at the furious werewolf with one last foolish attempt to shake her off. She could taste her own fear in her mouth, "You're gonna shoot me?"
The werewolf's maw curled into a sickening smile. "No, I'mma bring you back to our house. And if you cooperate you might not be eaten. Capiche?”
The werewolf smirked. "Walk forward, me behind you." Bethany stumbled as she felt the mouth of the pistol rammed roughly at her back. Her brave facade melted away like ice cream in the summer sun. The furious wolf snarled, blood dripped onto Bethany's shoulder. "Come on! Now!"
Blueray pressed her face to the glass and watched the furious werewolf bring Bethany back to the Pit. A sadistic grin slowly curled her lips.
“Keep walking!” the furious werewolf growled, shoving Bethany to the middle of the floor, "See those poles?" she pushed her down onto the grates, she fell hard and scraped her knees, "Lay down!" Bethany winced from the cuts on her knees, she obeyed the werewolf's order without a word, stricken with fear. The werewolf smirked, “That was easier than I thought.”
The furious werewolf tied Bethany down on all four corners, pulling the ropes painfully tight around her ankles and bare wrists, making sure she couldn't get away. Bethany was paralyzed with fright. Her eyes darted from the furious wolf to Blueray, her voice trembled, “W-what are you going to do to me?"
Blueray put her right foot onto Bethany's thigh and dug in her claws, "You know what they say, don't shoot the messenger...but we like doing something better than shooting".
Bethany cried in pain as she felt her skin being clawed open. "Don't!"
Blueray barked and leaned down over Bethany's supine body, saliva dripped hungrily from her maw, “Fuck you! You came here and got us all screwed over!” She dug her foot claws deeper, hearing the flesh tear, "How much you get paid?"
Bethany thrashed and pulled uselessly at the ropes, cutting her tender wrists. "I was just giving you a message!" She could feel her blood run down her thigh, it dripped through the grates down into the lava below.
Blueray dragged her foot down Bethany's thigh, stopping just above the knee, "How much?” she hissed. The furious werewolf pistol whipped her across the cheek with impatience, "See, I ain’t in a good mood. And you’re gonna tell us! Or I'mma blow your brains out!" Bethany's head jerked to one side from the force of the pistol blow and she screamed. Blueray lifted up her foot and slammed it down with cruel force onto Bethany's knee. Her eyes popped with blinding pain and tears streamed down her face. Blueray threw her head back and cackled, almost insanely.
The furious wolf grinned and put the gun to Bethany's mouth and drawled, "Now, tell us who paid you off and for how much, and we might let you live." Blueray put her right foot on the floor, and lifted up her left one and pressed it on her arm. Bethany tried to breath around the pistol's barrel, it tasted of iron and soot and blood. Blueray growled, “Speak up or I break your arm!” She pushed her foot down harder, painfully harder.
Bethany whimpered, “I don't know who it was!"
Blueray slammed her foot down onto her arm, the sound of two cracks made Bethany's face contort with nausea. Blueray bent over her, twisting her foot on her arm, "No name? Not even a description?"
Bethany groaned in excruciating pain, muffled by the pistol barrel. "...SHE didn't tell me her name."
The furious wolf snarled again and forced the gun between Bethany's legs. "Want me to blow a hole in you so large you wont be able to make love?" The wolf jabbed the gun up further. Bethany twisted her hips, trying to get away from the invasion. "Okay! How much did you get paid! And what the FUCK did she look like!"
Blueray knelt down beside Bethany and grabbed her hair. She was overwhelmed with pain, her breathing came in short gasps, choked with tears, "She was like you...She looked like you." Blueray paused and looked at Bethany, “Are you sure?” The furious wolf thrust the gun up into her, hard. "What fucking COLOUR!"
Bethany shook her head weakly and muttered, "I couldn't see in the dark."
Blueray smacked Bethany's head against the floor and she saw stars, "You're lying!"
The wolf snarled now clicking the safety off her pistol. "One........two...."
The wolf angrily thrust the gun further, now almost inside of her. "How much did you get paid?" Blueray dug a claw into one breast and twisted it. Bethany's eyes shot open as new pain surged through her."...Hundred bucks!" she croaked.
The slender one from earlier laughed as she looked down to the trio, "I knew she'd come around for some fun eventually..."
Blueray twisted her claw in both directions and snickered, "Hundred bucks to come to the Pit, most would ask for more..."
Blueray pulled her claw back and licked it clean, purring. She looked down at Bethany's broken body to see where else she could stick it. “I think she wants to die.” She snickered, “This is only child's play compared to what can happen." She trailed a sharp claw down Bethany's stomach, resting her paw there, waiting to bury it passed the clothing and flesh.
Bethany's head fell from side to side. "Don't..."
The furious werewolf pulled her knife from her ankle strap and picked up Bethany's hand lazily. She gouged the blade into her finger, and threw her index finger nail across the grate.
Bethany screamed bloody murder as her fingernail was torn off.
The furious wolf snarled and dropped Bethany's bleeding hand to the floor. The fresh blood pooled with her sticky blood that already surrounded her. The wolf growled with boredom, seemingly satisfied there was nothing left to get out of Bethany. "Let her go, she ain't worth the trouble, She won't come back here."
Blueray pouted at the end of the interrogation and the loss of her toy. She roughly yanked the bloody ropes from Bethany's wrists and ankles. For last measure, she spit on her lifeless form.
The furious werewolf viciously grabbed Bethany up by the hair. "I'mma drop you off the stairs." She dragged her to the back. She snarled with wicked satisfaction and kicked Bethany in the ribcage, rolling her over the edge. "Good riddens you useless daughter of a whore."
Blueray watched Bethany's limp body fall to the ground and land with a thud, “I hope she can crawl to the hospital.”
Bethany groaned and pulled herself up slowly with the last threads of her strength. She caught a glimpse of shimmery fur through her swollen eyes. "YOU!" she spat out the blood that filled her mouth.
The shimmery werewolf shrugged, “What?”
Bethany glared, she could barely speak. "YOU! You nearly got me killed!"
The shimmery werewolf waved her paw with indifference, "That’s too bad that you didn’t, Humans are all expendable in my eyes."
Bethany’s jaw dropped and she winced from the pain. She had nothing left in her to fight, she dragged herself away, glancing back with disgust at the gathering of werewolves.
Lord Janvier stood to the side with controlled reserve, his hands folded behind him. He remained silent as he simply watched with his fiery demon eyes. They churned restlessly like the lava under the grates of the Pit.
Blueray Darkes,
Janvier Redgrave,
Rau Ninetails
Monday, May 19, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle - Part 3
::Parts 1,2,3,&4 direct from roleplay – with just a smidgen of spellcheck and fleshing::
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
Bethany finally climbed the last soot-covered step and she stared dubiously at the massive door in front of her. She held her breath anxiously only to exhale sharply when a sudden pain stabbed her behind the eyes. She pressed her palm to her temple, squeezed her eyes shut against the red storm that had begun to swirl in her mind. She cursed, "Another headache! Not now!" And just as quickly, the pain dissipated and the tempest cleared. She shook off the disturbing vision and dug into her soul for a small shred of courage. With trepidation, she pushed open the heavy door and stepped through, naively unaware of the real dangers within.
She peered into the darkness, seeing a small gathering in the shadows. She went further inside and saw a large room illuminated by fierce red flames dancing on tortured torches. There were thick trails of smoke that escaped from the grated floor. It made her eyes hurt.
A small pitiful creature was crumpled on the ground at the foot of a slender, almost elegant, listless figure. The pitiful one had kissed the slender one’s boot.
“Good girl.” A low rumbling voice echoed in the room, possessing every hollow corner with its timbre.
Bethany’s eyes watered from the smoke, but she locked them on the one who was clearly the leader. He was definitely a demon. Of that, Bethany was sure. She had seen him before in the streets of Toxia, the one they called Lord Janvier. He stood tall and menacing. His very form radiated with power and death. His demon horns curled arrogantly high above his head. His eyes were like promises of bliss into the endless caverns of evil.
Bethany shivered and blinked. She cleared her throat. "Ummmm, excuse me."
As Bethany waited for someone to acknowledge her, the slender one kicked the pitiful one in the face, splitting her lip wide, the blood splattered on the grates, sizzled as it dripped into the lava flames below, making the air smell acrid. Bethany gasped at the violence she just witnessed. Wanting to make this errand quick, she cleared her voice a little louder and spoke quickly, "Uh-hum! Excuse me."
Lord Janvier turned with a deliberate languidness, like molasses in winter, his dark demon eyes settled on Bethany, "Is she someone’s pet?"
All eyes were on her now, her pulse pounded like a bass drum in her ears.
A werewolf with unusual shadings of blue in her fur answered her leader as she observed Bethany, “Not that I know of.”
“What?” Lord Janvier prompted impatiently, glaring at Bethany. His voice was explosive in her ears.
Bethany took a deep breath and stuttered. "I-I'm looking for Blueray."
The slender one raised a brow at the blue werewolf.
Lord Janvier looked over his shoulder, "Blue...take your pet outside, this place smells like dog as it is." He pushed passed Bethany to go for a walk. She nearly lost her balance, he came so close to her. She caught a whiff of something strangely pleasant in his wake, nothing like dog. It was the scent of Havanas and Hennessy.
Blueray blinked, "First time I seen her."
The blue-furred werewolf came up to Bethany, she narrowed her wolf eyes at her and growled between sharp teeth. “Who the fuck are you? Why are you looking for me?” she leaned closer to Bethany, her fur brushed against her. “Speak up! I ain’t got all night!”
Bethany winced at the harsh tone of the blue werewolf, a knot formed in her throat, “I-I...have a message for you.” She pulled out the tattered note from her pocket with shaky fingers.
Blueray took the note, ".... Who from?”
“Some GUY told me to give it to you.” She pulled her hand back quickly. Bethany remembered to say what the shimmery wolf had told her to say - amazingly! Her pulse ripped through her veins and she felt like she was going to pass out from fear.
Blueray opened the note and mumbled. “Thank you.”
"Okay, you're welcome." she said quickly. She turned to rush off and nearly tripped in her haste.
The slender one eyed Bethany curiously as she hurried off and smirked, "So Blue... still hungry?"
Blueray muttered. “Not really.” She crushed the note in her paw.
The slender one scowled, "Aww..."
Bethany sucked in deep breaths of relief as the cold air grabbed her. She frantically looked around for the shimmery werewolf in the dark street.
Blueray’s growl bellowed from the Pit, it chased Bethany down the street, taunting her, “Run away!”
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
Bethany finally climbed the last soot-covered step and she stared dubiously at the massive door in front of her. She held her breath anxiously only to exhale sharply when a sudden pain stabbed her behind the eyes. She pressed her palm to her temple, squeezed her eyes shut against the red storm that had begun to swirl in her mind. She cursed, "Another headache! Not now!" And just as quickly, the pain dissipated and the tempest cleared. She shook off the disturbing vision and dug into her soul for a small shred of courage. With trepidation, she pushed open the heavy door and stepped through, naively unaware of the real dangers within.
She peered into the darkness, seeing a small gathering in the shadows. She went further inside and saw a large room illuminated by fierce red flames dancing on tortured torches. There were thick trails of smoke that escaped from the grated floor. It made her eyes hurt.
A small pitiful creature was crumpled on the ground at the foot of a slender, almost elegant, listless figure. The pitiful one had kissed the slender one’s boot.
“Good girl.” A low rumbling voice echoed in the room, possessing every hollow corner with its timbre.
Bethany’s eyes watered from the smoke, but she locked them on the one who was clearly the leader. He was definitely a demon. Of that, Bethany was sure. She had seen him before in the streets of Toxia, the one they called Lord Janvier. He stood tall and menacing. His very form radiated with power and death. His demon horns curled arrogantly high above his head. His eyes were like promises of bliss into the endless caverns of evil.
Bethany shivered and blinked. She cleared her throat. "Ummmm, excuse me."
As Bethany waited for someone to acknowledge her, the slender one kicked the pitiful one in the face, splitting her lip wide, the blood splattered on the grates, sizzled as it dripped into the lava flames below, making the air smell acrid. Bethany gasped at the violence she just witnessed. Wanting to make this errand quick, she cleared her voice a little louder and spoke quickly, "Uh-hum! Excuse me."
Lord Janvier turned with a deliberate languidness, like molasses in winter, his dark demon eyes settled on Bethany, "Is she someone’s pet?"
All eyes were on her now, her pulse pounded like a bass drum in her ears.
A werewolf with unusual shadings of blue in her fur answered her leader as she observed Bethany, “Not that I know of.”
“What?” Lord Janvier prompted impatiently, glaring at Bethany. His voice was explosive in her ears.
Bethany took a deep breath and stuttered. "I-I'm looking for Blueray."
The slender one raised a brow at the blue werewolf.
Lord Janvier looked over his shoulder, "Blue...take your pet outside, this place smells like dog as it is." He pushed passed Bethany to go for a walk. She nearly lost her balance, he came so close to her. She caught a whiff of something strangely pleasant in his wake, nothing like dog. It was the scent of Havanas and Hennessy.
Blueray blinked, "First time I seen her."
The blue-furred werewolf came up to Bethany, she narrowed her wolf eyes at her and growled between sharp teeth. “Who the fuck are you? Why are you looking for me?” she leaned closer to Bethany, her fur brushed against her. “Speak up! I ain’t got all night!”
Bethany winced at the harsh tone of the blue werewolf, a knot formed in her throat, “I-I...have a message for you.” She pulled out the tattered note from her pocket with shaky fingers.
Blueray took the note, ".... Who from?”
“Some GUY told me to give it to you.” She pulled her hand back quickly. Bethany remembered to say what the shimmery wolf had told her to say - amazingly! Her pulse ripped through her veins and she felt like she was going to pass out from fear.
Blueray opened the note and mumbled. “Thank you.”
"Okay, you're welcome." she said quickly. She turned to rush off and nearly tripped in her haste.
The slender one eyed Bethany curiously as she hurried off and smirked, "So Blue... still hungry?"
Blueray muttered. “Not really.” She crushed the note in her paw.
The slender one scowled, "Aww..."
Bethany sucked in deep breaths of relief as the cold air grabbed her. She frantically looked around for the shimmery werewolf in the dark street.
Blueray’s growl bellowed from the Pit, it chased Bethany down the street, taunting her, “Run away!”
Blueray Darkes,
Janvier Redgrave,
Rau Ninetails
Friday, May 16, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle - Part 2
::Parts 1,2,3,&4 direct from roleplay – with just a smidgen of spellcheck and fleshing::
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
::shimmery wolf = Rau Ninetails::
Bethany and CJ were reviewing their combat lessons they had just finished when a quiet voice interrupted.
A werewolf with shimmery fur stood before them. “Excuse me.”
Bethany smiled to the werewolf and greeted politely, “Hello.”
CJ hesitated for just a moment and offered, “Yes, may I help you?”
The werewolf pawed her ear and looked beseechingly to the pair, “Might I ask a favour from one of you?” she lowered her voice, “…To deliver a message.”
Bethany looked warily at the werewolf. “A message?”
CJ questioned further. “To whom?”
The werewolf kept her eyes upon the two girls, and she said casually, “One of the Shadows…Her name is Blueray.” She added quickly to make the simple effort worthwhile, “Of course I’ll pay for it.” She glanced around as though checking to see if anyone was near, “So long as you don’t mention who you got this note from.”
Bethany turned to CJ, and worry creased her brow for a second as she processed the offer from the werewolf. CJ shot her a look that told her she wanted no part in this.
Bethany disregarded CJ’s warning look and faced the werewolf. “I’ve heard of Blueray.” Her voice was surprisingly confident and she asked up front. “How much?” She nudged CJ as she sensed her disapproval, and whispered eagerly to her, “She’s gonna pay us!”
CJ whispered back, standing firm on her values, “I will not lie for anyone.”
The werewolf’s paw smoothed down her shimmery fur, “Hmm…about 100.” Her sharp teeth flashed briefly, “Just to simply walk up and give her the message.”
CJ gave the werewolf a look of disgust, “No amount of money is worth my integrity.”
The werewolf continued, assuming one of them would agree to the deal, “All you have to say is ‘Some GUY told me to give you this.’”
Bethany thought on this and looked to CJ. "Come on CJ, we need the money! Well, I need the money!" Bethany could only think of trying to raise money for a weapon and this was easy money!
CJ sighed hopelessly to Bethany, “If you wish to do so…well it's up to you.”
Bethany shook her head at CJ. "It's just a message."
CJ nodded to her and explained, “I agree, but ‘just a message’ can carry many different words and it can cause harm with some words.”
The werewolf waited patiently for the two girls to discuss the offer, “Well, 50 now and 50 when it gets delivered.” Her teeth shone white in the darkness and she said reassuringly, “... I promise it won’t cause you any harm at all.”
CJ frowned, “I’m not worried about myself. I’m worried of the trouble these words can cause others.”
Bethany looked back at the werewolf and then to CJ. "This city is full of danger and harm can come to anyone at anytime, without asking." she turned to the werewolf and nodded firmly. "Deal."
The werewolf grinned in the shadow, she nodded to Bethany and handed her the note with the money. Bethany tucked the note in her jacket pocket. She folded the cash and slipped it into her boot.
CJ stepped back, she shook her head with disappointment, and let Bethany handle her own. She watched her newfound friend leave with the werewolf, hoping she had not endangered herself for a small 50 bucks.
The werewolf began to walk south, towards the darkest part of the city.
“Now if you follow me, I can point you in the right direction.” She paused for a moment looking to Bethany,”And yes, I’ll be watching for your safety...and the message’s safety.”
Bethany nodded to the werewolf, trusting her in her word.
The werewolf stopped, “That’s the building right there.” She pointed to the dark looming structure at the end of the street. “Right in front of us.”
Bethany looked at the dark building with wide eyes and gulped. "THAT building??"
The werewolf nodded as she slipped under the cover of darkness, “I’ll step in if anything bad happens. But the quicker you make it, the better off you’ll be.”
Bethany groaned and wanted to shoot herself for accepting this job. "I just got kicked out of there by someone who lives there!"
Bethany could hear the werewolf chuckle in the shadow, “Hehe…Well…” she turned and the werewolf had disappeared, her voice was distant, “I said I’ll be watching.”
Bethany bit her bottom lip hard, knowing she couldn’t go back on the deal. She trudged towards the ominous building. "You better watch out for me!" she called into the empty air.
There was a cackling response, “Yeah..sure thing.”
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
::shimmery wolf = Rau Ninetails::
Bethany and CJ were reviewing their combat lessons they had just finished when a quiet voice interrupted.
A werewolf with shimmery fur stood before them. “Excuse me.”
Bethany smiled to the werewolf and greeted politely, “Hello.”
CJ hesitated for just a moment and offered, “Yes, may I help you?”
The werewolf pawed her ear and looked beseechingly to the pair, “Might I ask a favour from one of you?” she lowered her voice, “…To deliver a message.”
Bethany looked warily at the werewolf. “A message?”
CJ questioned further. “To whom?”
The werewolf kept her eyes upon the two girls, and she said casually, “One of the Shadows…Her name is Blueray.” She added quickly to make the simple effort worthwhile, “Of course I’ll pay for it.” She glanced around as though checking to see if anyone was near, “So long as you don’t mention who you got this note from.”
Bethany turned to CJ, and worry creased her brow for a second as she processed the offer from the werewolf. CJ shot her a look that told her she wanted no part in this.
Bethany disregarded CJ’s warning look and faced the werewolf. “I’ve heard of Blueray.” Her voice was surprisingly confident and she asked up front. “How much?” She nudged CJ as she sensed her disapproval, and whispered eagerly to her, “She’s gonna pay us!”
CJ whispered back, standing firm on her values, “I will not lie for anyone.”
The werewolf’s paw smoothed down her shimmery fur, “Hmm…about 100.” Her sharp teeth flashed briefly, “Just to simply walk up and give her the message.”
CJ gave the werewolf a look of disgust, “No amount of money is worth my integrity.”
The werewolf continued, assuming one of them would agree to the deal, “All you have to say is ‘Some GUY told me to give you this.’”
Bethany thought on this and looked to CJ. "Come on CJ, we need the money! Well, I need the money!" Bethany could only think of trying to raise money for a weapon and this was easy money!
CJ sighed hopelessly to Bethany, “If you wish to do so…well it's up to you.”
Bethany shook her head at CJ. "It's just a message."
CJ nodded to her and explained, “I agree, but ‘just a message’ can carry many different words and it can cause harm with some words.”
The werewolf waited patiently for the two girls to discuss the offer, “Well, 50 now and 50 when it gets delivered.” Her teeth shone white in the darkness and she said reassuringly, “... I promise it won’t cause you any harm at all.”
CJ frowned, “I’m not worried about myself. I’m worried of the trouble these words can cause others.”
Bethany looked back at the werewolf and then to CJ. "This city is full of danger and harm can come to anyone at anytime, without asking." she turned to the werewolf and nodded firmly. "Deal."
The werewolf grinned in the shadow, she nodded to Bethany and handed her the note with the money. Bethany tucked the note in her jacket pocket. She folded the cash and slipped it into her boot.
CJ stepped back, she shook her head with disappointment, and let Bethany handle her own. She watched her newfound friend leave with the werewolf, hoping she had not endangered herself for a small 50 bucks.
The werewolf began to walk south, towards the darkest part of the city.
“Now if you follow me, I can point you in the right direction.” She paused for a moment looking to Bethany,”And yes, I’ll be watching for your safety...and the message’s safety.”
Bethany nodded to the werewolf, trusting her in her word.
The werewolf stopped, “That’s the building right there.” She pointed to the dark looming structure at the end of the street. “Right in front of us.”
Bethany looked at the dark building with wide eyes and gulped. "THAT building??"
The werewolf nodded as she slipped under the cover of darkness, “I’ll step in if anything bad happens. But the quicker you make it, the better off you’ll be.”
Bethany groaned and wanted to shoot herself for accepting this job. "I just got kicked out of there by someone who lives there!"
Bethany could hear the werewolf chuckle in the shadow, “Hehe…Well…” she turned and the werewolf had disappeared, her voice was distant, “I said I’ll be watching.”
Bethany bit her bottom lip hard, knowing she couldn’t go back on the deal. She trudged towards the ominous building. "You better watch out for me!" she called into the empty air.
There was a cackling response, “Yeah..sure thing.”
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle - Part 1
::Parts 1,2,3,&4 direct from roleplay – with just a smidgen of spellcheck and fleshing::
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
The magnificent angel folded his wings and crossed his arms, he nodded with satisfaction, “Okay, you are both good with a little practice.”
Bethany and her new friend, CJ, grinned proudly to the angel, saying in unison. “Thank you Jortek! You are too kind!” They turned to each other and giggled knowing he was being overly generous with his compliment on their pathetic fighting skills.
Then Jortek directed his words to Bethany. “And you Bethany,” His voice was deadly serious. She hushed and stood at attention, facing the awesome angel. “You have to raise money for a weapon.”
Bethany frowned as thoughts of having to find ways of earning money raced through her head. She shook her head in defiance. “Nope. I’m not going to use one.”
Jortek looked at her strangely. “Why?” he asked bluntly. A smirk suddenly crossed his face, “Are you going to kill with love?” and he chuckled lightly, “I think you can.”
Bethany shrugged and she smiled adoringly to Jortek, her sea green eyes sparkled like diamonds.
CJ laughed, “It has been done…Kill ‘em with kindness.”
Jortek grinned and relaxed from his usual stoic disposition. “I almost have been killed that way.” He sighed and revealed, “I’m still recovering.”
CJ patted the angel comfortingly on his shoulder. “It happens to the best of us.”
Jortek smiled down to CJ, “That’s true. Always starts as an innocent game, and then…”
He raised his head and looked up to the heavens beyond the black skies, he inhaled a slow breath and excused himself, “Ladies, I have to go.”
Bethany watched the proud angel walk away and she felt a curious pang of sadness in her heart.
::Thank you to all those involved! Fun fun!::
The magnificent angel folded his wings and crossed his arms, he nodded with satisfaction, “Okay, you are both good with a little practice.”
Bethany and her new friend, CJ, grinned proudly to the angel, saying in unison. “Thank you Jortek! You are too kind!” They turned to each other and giggled knowing he was being overly generous with his compliment on their pathetic fighting skills.
Then Jortek directed his words to Bethany. “And you Bethany,” His voice was deadly serious. She hushed and stood at attention, facing the awesome angel. “You have to raise money for a weapon.”
Bethany frowned as thoughts of having to find ways of earning money raced through her head. She shook her head in defiance. “Nope. I’m not going to use one.”
Jortek looked at her strangely. “Why?” he asked bluntly. A smirk suddenly crossed his face, “Are you going to kill with love?” and he chuckled lightly, “I think you can.”
Bethany shrugged and she smiled adoringly to Jortek, her sea green eyes sparkled like diamonds.
CJ laughed, “It has been done…Kill ‘em with kindness.”
Jortek grinned and relaxed from his usual stoic disposition. “I almost have been killed that way.” He sighed and revealed, “I’m still recovering.”
CJ patted the angel comfortingly on his shoulder. “It happens to the best of us.”
Jortek smiled down to CJ, “That’s true. Always starts as an innocent game, and then…”
He raised his head and looked up to the heavens beyond the black skies, he inhaled a slow breath and excused himself, “Ladies, I have to go.”
Bethany watched the proud angel walk away and she felt a curious pang of sadness in her heart.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Diary – first entry
::messy writing on a scrap piece of stale-smelling yellowed paper snagged from the Library::
::childish doodling and the word “TOXIA” written several times along the page margin::
Dear Diary,
I’m sitting on the rooftop of the Library – looking down at the Haven.
Too many people inside, it’s like sardines packed in a can, oily and smelly.
I’ve been here for almost two weeks I think. I don’t keep track anymore. I barely sleep, so the nights and days just blur together.
I think I should be missing my parents. But I don’t. They aren’t even my real parents! I’m still mad!!!
I'm not going back. I need some answers. I need to find out about ME!
::the word ME is angrily underlined, scored, and circled::
::childish doodling and the word “TOXIA” written several times along the page margin::
Dear Diary,
I’m sitting on the rooftop of the Library – looking down at the Haven.
Too many people inside, it’s like sardines packed in a can, oily and smelly.
I’ve been here for almost two weeks I think. I don’t keep track anymore. I barely sleep, so the nights and days just blur together.
I think I should be missing my parents. But I don’t. They aren’t even my real parents! I’m still mad!!!
I'm not going back. I need some answers. I need to find out about ME!
::the word ME is angrily underlined, scored, and circled::
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Prologue - Part 2
Bethany’s life spiraled before her on the night they had planned to go to Toxia. She was in the attic searching for supplies when she came across a black chest. Someone had taken the effort to hide it in a worn out cardboard box that was buried under a stack of old newspapers.
As she sifted through the contents, her pulse quickened and she felt all the terrors of her nightmares flood into her, drowning her. There were newspaper clippings of the port city of Toxia. An article with the headline “Little Girl Found Alive in Toxian Waste!” shouted at her. She read it with frantic urgency. She fell back and she couldn’t breath as realization hit her. Pieces of her puzzled past were falling into place. The reason she had no baby pictures. The reason she did not look at all like her parents. And perhaps the reason as to why she had these visions of death and gore.
She ran downstairs and confronted her parents, the two people she had trusted the most, waving the evidence in their faces. Voices were raised and things were said that could never be taken back. Her parents watched helplessly as she stormed out of the house.
With her emotions wracked, she could only think to get away and to find her friends. She arrived at the pier to find it deserted. Her heart sank.
Her mobile buzzed in her jacket and she checked it. A message glowed in the black night.
“cant w8 cul8r”
Shoulders slumped, she wondered if anything else could go wrong tonight. She dialed her friend but only got his voicemail, she left a message.
“Wait for me. I’m coming.”
“Hey there sweetheart. What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?”
Bethany snapped around to see a scraggly squat man with a toothless grin standing close to her. Behind him she saw a barge loaded with crates, some of them stamped “Toxia”.
“Are you sailing to Toxia?” she asked nonchalantly, not wanting to raise suspicion.
The scruff rubbed his stubbly chin and looked at her with hungry eyes.
“What business is it of yours sweetheart?”
“I need to get to Toxia.” She stated simply without flinching.
The man broke out laughing. His rank breath nearly made her gag. “Toxia isn’t a place for sweethearts like you.” His eyes roamed the curves of her body.
Without looking away, she said in the most serious tone she could muster. “How much?” She fingered her money in her pocket.
He started to reach for her, his dirty hand about to touch her when a booming voice from the barge shouted out. He quickly turned and ran back to the ramp, leaving Bethany to stare after him. She shook herself out of her stupor and followed him onto the barge. She hid behind the crates and prayed they wouldn’t find her.
The air was putrid as the barge cut through the thick green mist, it slowed and rocked to a stop. Bethany waited anxiously as the crew started to unload the freight, biding her time to jump onto the dock.
The fog swallowed her whole as she landed on the rotting wooden dock. She made her way into the dank receiving warehouse. Bethany’s head began to ache and she was feeling the tentacles of anxiety start to creep into her. Her hand shot to her jacket pocket and she realized she had forgotten to bring her medication. Panic filled her as her eyes darted through the darkness. She willed herself to stay focused so she could find her friends and also in hopes of finding some answers to herself. She stepped out onto the streets of Toxia...alone.
As she sifted through the contents, her pulse quickened and she felt all the terrors of her nightmares flood into her, drowning her. There were newspaper clippings of the port city of Toxia. An article with the headline “Little Girl Found Alive in Toxian Waste!” shouted at her. She read it with frantic urgency. She fell back and she couldn’t breath as realization hit her. Pieces of her puzzled past were falling into place. The reason she had no baby pictures. The reason she did not look at all like her parents. And perhaps the reason as to why she had these visions of death and gore.
She ran downstairs and confronted her parents, the two people she had trusted the most, waving the evidence in their faces. Voices were raised and things were said that could never be taken back. Her parents watched helplessly as she stormed out of the house.
With her emotions wracked, she could only think to get away and to find her friends. She arrived at the pier to find it deserted. Her heart sank.
Her mobile buzzed in her jacket and she checked it. A message glowed in the black night.
“cant w8 cul8r”
Shoulders slumped, she wondered if anything else could go wrong tonight. She dialed her friend but only got his voicemail, she left a message.
“Wait for me. I’m coming.”
“Hey there sweetheart. What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?”
Bethany snapped around to see a scraggly squat man with a toothless grin standing close to her. Behind him she saw a barge loaded with crates, some of them stamped “Toxia”.
“Are you sailing to Toxia?” she asked nonchalantly, not wanting to raise suspicion.
The scruff rubbed his stubbly chin and looked at her with hungry eyes.
“What business is it of yours sweetheart?”
“I need to get to Toxia.” She stated simply without flinching.
The man broke out laughing. His rank breath nearly made her gag. “Toxia isn’t a place for sweethearts like you.” His eyes roamed the curves of her body.
Without looking away, she said in the most serious tone she could muster. “How much?” She fingered her money in her pocket.
He started to reach for her, his dirty hand about to touch her when a booming voice from the barge shouted out. He quickly turned and ran back to the ramp, leaving Bethany to stare after him. She shook herself out of her stupor and followed him onto the barge. She hid behind the crates and prayed they wouldn’t find her.
The air was putrid as the barge cut through the thick green mist, it slowed and rocked to a stop. Bethany waited anxiously as the crew started to unload the freight, biding her time to jump onto the dock.
The fog swallowed her whole as she landed on the rotting wooden dock. She made her way into the dank receiving warehouse. Bethany’s head began to ache and she was feeling the tentacles of anxiety start to creep into her. Her hand shot to her jacket pocket and she realized she had forgotten to bring her medication. Panic filled her as her eyes darted through the darkness. She willed herself to stay focused so she could find her friends and also in hopes of finding some answers to herself. She stepped out onto the streets of Toxia...alone.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Prologue - Part 1
Bethany slipped the small handful of tablets into her mouth and sipped some water to flush it down. She closed her eyes for a moment. Soon her mind would be still and she’d be able to function. She gathered her schoolbooks and headed off to class.
As she was walking along the sidewalk, she felt a light tap on her shoulder.
“Hey!” a familiar chipper voice greeted her. It was her best friend Jay. She had known him since freshman year and they had become inseparable chums.
She smiled back to him. “Hey.”
He fell in step with her, grabbed her books and carried them. He started to ramble as he often did. “We’re thinking of going to Toxia after finals. Wanna come? Gonna check out the spooky city everyone keeps hushing about. I personally don’t believe any of the stories. Come on! Vampires? Werewolves? Gimme a break. And they say, “Don’t go there alone!” like it’s gonna stop anyone. But, I think it’ll be fun. Nothing else to do.”
Suddenly Bethany felt a sharp pain course through her head. She slowed her step and winced.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Jay put his arm around her shoulders. “Your headaches coming on again?”
Bethany nodded weakly, squeezing her eyes shut. A barrage of horrific images began to flash through her mind. Fangs dripping with blood. Entrails of victims strewn in the streets. Mutated beings. Demonic eyes. The sky raining crimson tears.
She sucked in her breath, rubbed her temples and laughed softly, trying to make light of what just happened.
“I think my doctor needs to up my dose. The meds aren’t working as well as before.” She had never told Jay that she saw these visions. She knew better than to share that with anyone anymore. She pulled her hair back and turned to Jay. “Count me in, eh?”
He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Ok, Friday, 10 on the button, at the pier.”
As she was walking along the sidewalk, she felt a light tap on her shoulder.
“Hey!” a familiar chipper voice greeted her. It was her best friend Jay. She had known him since freshman year and they had become inseparable chums.
She smiled back to him. “Hey.”
He fell in step with her, grabbed her books and carried them. He started to ramble as he often did. “We’re thinking of going to Toxia after finals. Wanna come? Gonna check out the spooky city everyone keeps hushing about. I personally don’t believe any of the stories. Come on! Vampires? Werewolves? Gimme a break. And they say, “Don’t go there alone!” like it’s gonna stop anyone. But, I think it’ll be fun. Nothing else to do.”
Suddenly Bethany felt a sharp pain course through her head. She slowed her step and winced.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Jay put his arm around her shoulders. “Your headaches coming on again?”
Bethany nodded weakly, squeezing her eyes shut. A barrage of horrific images began to flash through her mind. Fangs dripping with blood. Entrails of victims strewn in the streets. Mutated beings. Demonic eyes. The sky raining crimson tears.
She sucked in her breath, rubbed her temples and laughed softly, trying to make light of what just happened.
“I think my doctor needs to up my dose. The meds aren’t working as well as before.” She had never told Jay that she saw these visions. She knew better than to share that with anyone anymore. She pulled her hair back and turned to Jay. “Count me in, eh?”
He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Ok, Friday, 10 on the button, at the pier.”
In her earliest memories, Bethany knew there was something different about herself.
Vivid nightmares of a black skyline raining blood and gore would wake her in a grip of terror and her screams would shred the lull of slumber. The faces of hell’s darkest creatures would haunt her subconscious till she no longer slept. But then, they came in her waking hours...
She had seen a multitude of doctors and specialists, spent time in psychiatric institutions, and was put on a cocktail of medications to still her mind. As a last resort, an exorcism was done. Even with that, the visions still came.
In states of shock and anxiety, she would become catatonic and stare with glassy eyes into the souls of those before her. Blood red auras would blind her for the fates that would bleed rivers. The pure would glow white with tarnished edges. And there were those whose auras were already snuffed into the blackness of the damned.
Gifted or Cursed - she found herself in Toxia.
Vivid nightmares of a black skyline raining blood and gore would wake her in a grip of terror and her screams would shred the lull of slumber. The faces of hell’s darkest creatures would haunt her subconscious till she no longer slept. But then, they came in her waking hours...
She had seen a multitude of doctors and specialists, spent time in psychiatric institutions, and was put on a cocktail of medications to still her mind. As a last resort, an exorcism was done. Even with that, the visions still came.
In states of shock and anxiety, she would become catatonic and stare with glassy eyes into the souls of those before her. Blood red auras would blind her for the fates that would bleed rivers. The pure would glow white with tarnished edges. And there were those whose auras were already snuffed into the blackness of the damned.
Gifted or Cursed - she found herself in Toxia.
Friday, May 2, 2008
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