Saturday, May 3, 2008

Prologue - Part 1

Bethany slipped the small handful of tablets into her mouth and sipped some water to flush it down. She closed her eyes for a moment. Soon her mind would be still and she’d be able to function. She gathered her schoolbooks and headed off to class.

As she was walking along the sidewalk, she felt a light tap on her shoulder.
“Hey!” a familiar chipper voice greeted her. It was her best friend Jay. She had known him since freshman year and they had become inseparable chums.
She smiled back to him. “Hey.”
He fell in step with her, grabbed her books and carried them. He started to ramble as he often did. “We’re thinking of going to Toxia after finals. Wanna come? Gonna check out the spooky city everyone keeps hushing about. I personally don’t believe any of the stories. Come on! Vampires? Werewolves? Gimme a break. And they say, “Don’t go there alone!” like it’s gonna stop anyone. But, I think it’ll be fun. Nothing else to do.”

Suddenly Bethany felt a sharp pain course through her head. She slowed her step and winced.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Jay put his arm around her shoulders. “Your headaches coming on again?”
Bethany nodded weakly, squeezing her eyes shut. A barrage of horrific images began to flash through her mind. Fangs dripping with blood. Entrails of victims strewn in the streets. Mutated beings. Demonic eyes. The sky raining crimson tears.

She sucked in her breath, rubbed her temples and laughed softly, trying to make light of what just happened.
“I think my doctor needs to up my dose. The meds aren’t working as well as before.” She had never told Jay that she saw these visions. She knew better than to share that with anyone anymore. She pulled her hair back and turned to Jay. “Count me in, eh?”
He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Ok, Friday, 10 on the button, at the pier.”

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